Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [be] responsible for " in BNC.

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1 Or attempt to explore with a Central European Jew the precise nature of the ties that he or she feels with a culture which down the centuries has been responsible for so much persecution and pain .
2 In Tasmania , however , schools have been responsible for allocating resources for some time .
3 And it has repeatedly bragged that its fighters have been responsible for the mounting attacks on policemen , 226 of whom were killed last year .
4 Safe as the Mark 3 coaches have been , however , their designers have been responsible for actually causing one or two accidents because straps and fixings holding underfloor equipment were inadequate and worked loose , allowing major items to fall off .
5 According to the World Wide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) , the trade in rhino horn products in these countries has been responsible for deaths of some 60,000 rhinos , or 85 per cent of the total population , since 1970 .
6 We all know that what he terms his ’ meandering ’ round private Bills has been responsible for a good deal of heartache and not a little management time in British Rail spent trying to meet some of his objections .
7 Over the years has been responsible for improving the mill control systems throughout the country ; updating the simple push buttons on the walls to the present day fully computerised systems .
8 Grant Fox , for instance , was sorely troubled by the allegations that he had been part of an Auckland spearhead which had had Shelford removed , and that his personal failings had been responsible for the indifferent play in Argentina and the loss of the Sydney Test to Australia .
9 Warsaw police confirmed on April 24 that arsonists had been responsible for a fire on April 22 at the home of Jerzy Jachowicz , a journalist on Gazeta Wyborcza , in which his wife had been killed and his daughter injured .
10 As will be seen in Chapter 6 , however , some of these isolates have been responsible for many of the revolutionary advances in scientific knowledge .
11 Conservative Governments have been responsible for all major environmental legislation .
12 Whilst scholars debate how far economic changes have been responsible for breaking up these traditional arrangements , there is evidence that the idea persists that this form of joint household is an ideal which people would put into practice if they could ( Benedict , 1976 ) .
13 Our surgical orthopaedic tradition and our professionally qualified consultants have been responsible for the design of thousands of OBAS ( single and double ) beds to specifications dictated by weight , shape and medical history of each of our customers , including doctors ' diagnosis , where known .
14 It also stated that public money had been used to fund two other black organizations , the Federal Independent Association ( FIDA ) , a conservative group strongly opposed to sanctions , and the Eagles , which anti-apartheid activists alleged was responsible for vigilante actions in the townships .
15 Traditionally , government-appointed district auditors have been responsible for examining most local authority accounts .
16 And lastly , but by no means least , are the tsunami effects , vast tidal waves usually generated by undersea earthquakes : those tsunami have been responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people at a time when they struck low-lying coastal areas . ’
17 ‘ He lost his temper when he assumed the children had been responsible for the doors being open . ’
18 The third class of sites covers those developed linear and road-junction sites where increasingly centralized tendencies had been responsible for the growth of an irregular internal street system well beyond the initial main roads .
19 An electoral alliance , the Nationalist Action for Peace ( Acción Nacionalista por la Paz ) , was unexpectedly announced on Feb 7 by Carlos Pizarro Leóngómez , leader of the left-wing guerrilla April 19 Movement ( M-19 ) , and José Joaquín Matallana , a former Army general who as Director of the Department for the Administration of Security ( DAS ) in the mid-1970s had been responsible for combating the activities of the M-19 and other guerrilla groups .
20 Whatever you know , think , understand or dream about BMW , one man above all others has been responsible for putting those three initials into your consciousness .
21 Perhaps part of the problem is that far too much has been expected of positivist criminology or , alternatively , positivist criminologists have been responsible for fostering too grandiose expectations .
22 From the perspective of the Soviet élite , ‘ Socialist construction ’ , centralisation and Five-Year plans have been responsible for raising a backward country to a world power .
23 Charles Lambe denied that the Tories had been responsible for raising the Sacheverell mobs , and blamed the Whigs for instilling into people the idea that " they are the original of government " .
24 The nine Regional Councils and the three Islands Councils have been responsible for water , sewerage and sewage disposal since local government reorganisation in 1975 .
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