Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [prep] all [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Branches report from all over the UK on the interest and help provided by the management and staff of Cannon Cinemas , and the company 's support is gratefully acknowledged by Central Council .
2 Speakers came from all over the world thanks to new and generous sponsorship from British Airways .
3 On the contrary , I found it fairly positive to announce that complaints were down to one ( now doubled ) ; that in recession 1,266 entries were judged ; that entries came from all over the world ; that the system had changed in direct response to comments made by members .
4 ‘ Now he 's in a side that is going well , with goals coming from all over the team .
5 CARNIVAL organiser Tex Flint said : ‘ Floats come from all over the country to take part in the festivities , but sadly some criminals also come for their own reasons . ’
6 Opera fans come from all over the country to see open-air performances in a unique setting .
7 Entries come from all over the country to take part in the run — from Epsom Downs to Brighton — and there were also several entries from the continent , the US and Australia .
8 The teak and rosewood designs come from all over Scandinavia , but mainly from Denmark .
9 Once sorted , the berries are sent to England to be distilled along with the other natural ingredients harvested from all over the world .
10 Gifts and visitors came from all over the English-speaking world as television stations overseas , alerted by all the publicity , snapped up transmission rights .
11 Contributions came from all over the United Kingdom .
12 Eighteen Greek galleries are participating in this event which is being opened by the Minister of Culture , Ms Dora Bakoyanni , and is accompanied by a symposium entitled ‘ The restructuring of the relationship between metropolis and periphery ’ , with guests invited from all over Europe .
13 He had pumped all his savings into building the boat , using bits and pieces scrounged from all over the Middle East , and was suspiciously eager to part with it .
14 Just then the raucous clamour of alarm bells sounded from all over the house and from the basement area ahead of him .
15 This year , ninety young dancers drawn from all over the Province , again under the direction of Maldoom , will create ‘ The Rite of Spring ’ — based on one of the most powerful and exciting scores written for dance in the 20th century .
16 And er you would have maybe a hundred and twenty delegates attending from all over Scotland .
17 Farmers gather from all over the region and all over the country for the auctioning of livestock .
18 Because of the specialist nature of the hospital , patients come from all over the country and the CAB spends much of its time chasing up patients ' benefits , contacting DHSS offices all over the country .
19 By January 1918 the food issue was reaching bursting point with strikes and demonstrations reported from all over the country , and threats of national strike action to force fair play from the Government .
20 Up until 1945 its members came from all over Germany and abroad .
21 Carryduff-based Montgomery Pipe Band , whose 26 members hail from all over the province , also drummed its way into the record books when it swept the boards at Saturday 's British Championships at Hyde Park in London .
22 ‘ There 's nothing wrong with pop stars coming from all over the world is there ? ’
23 ‘ There 's nothing wrong with pop stars coming from all over the world is there ?
24 The scientists come from all over the E-C , but behind the team spirit , there 's always been anger that in many cases the British are paid only half that of their Continental colleagues .
25 Lustful travellers came from all over the world to watch him dance , naked except for a silk cap atop his curls .
26 Anglers come from all over Britain to fish St John 's and rarely depart unhappily .
27 The meat men come from all over the country and transport the ponies back to their local district to sell them .
28 Children come from all over the world and are observed and assessed for their suitability for Conductive Education .
29 The comics come from all over the world and there were people queueing up to see it when we opened last Saturday . ’
30 Students came from all over Europe , a number of them boarding with him and his mistress , paving fees for private tuition .
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