Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] brought [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 An alteration in circumstances concerning 4–7 of the above reasons has brought about the situation found since the mid 1980's , when there has been a lack of growth .
2 On the farm the introduction of tractors and combine harvesters has brought about a vast decrease in the number of employment opportunities and an added stimulus to the rural working population to move to the towns in search of jobs .
3 The new congress did lack consequential leaders and congressional reform and the further weakening of political parties had brought about a variety of undesirable developments .
4 Those circumstances had brought about the capitalist system and had also created the concepts on which it was based .
5 The 14-year-old civil war between the government and Jonas Savimbi 's Unita rebels has brought about the collapse of the oil-rich Angolan economy , the story goes , and turned Luanda , once called the Rio de Janeiro of Africa , into one of the continent 's dirtiest capitals .
6 These changes have brought about a reduction of inequality in education throughout the region .
7 A number of studies have brought out the bargaining strength of trade unions during the period of near full employment [ Brown , 1981 ] , which enabled them to reinforce long-established work practices which were an incubus on British industry in the form of overmanning .
8 Optical chainstore Specialeyes has brought in a new agency to help it shrug off its ‘ cheap ’ image and to break into the youth and pensioners markets .
9 But modern refinements and materials have brought about a resurgence of the supercharger , making it a credible alternative to the turbo .
10 The scandals have brought out a rash of new political movements , all of which want Tokyo 's dominance curbed .
11 The children had brought in a number of dead barn owls , so there was already a bit interest .
12 The merchants and sailors have brought back the raw materials for the city 's industries .
13 This was a wonderful opportunity to continue to network European wide and the WASL representatives have brought back a good range of catalogues and information about new women artists groups for the archive .
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