Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] no [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Accounts are no longer controlled so the system has broken down , so says the auditor general Sir John .
2 Term accounts are no longer offered by the society , but the share account is now paying only 1.88 p.c. net .
3 Unless used on ‘ Byelaw 30 ’ cisterns and fitted with a downturn in the operating lever ( so the float can easily be adjusted ) , piston-type ballvalves are no longer allowed on cold water cisterns unless they are fitted with a double-check valve .
4 It does not affect the chemical composition of the water , but rather affects water condition ( typically by a magnetic field ) so that the magnesium and calcium ions are no longer precipitated .
5 The single European market means health checks are no longer carried out at British ports .
6 The rigid rules for turn and turn about social calls are no longer observed .
7 A third qualification is that modern contracts are no longer based on the nineteenth-century notion of freedom of contract .
8 The two side groups are no longer eclipsed but become slightly staggered .
9 Modern solicitors ' offices are no longer run in a leisurely way .
10 All of this should be easily understood when it is realised that the effect of the contract being avoided or frustrated is generally that the parties are no longer required to carry out the contract ; they are excused .
11 As we move into our twenties and thirties , hormones are no longer racing through the body like the clappers and , from time to time , the penis is more likely to cause embarrassment by its lack of activity than by its exuberance .
12 Waterways are no longer responding to enquiries .
13 In these civilised times , husbands are no longer given the right to beat their wives ( and in earlier centuries , even kill them ) , but society , as well as biology , still places the female in a subordinate role .
14 The homes are no longer facing closure .
15 The increase coincided with the escalation of pro-democracy protests and with political reform , and there were reports that border guards were no longer shooting on sight people caught attempting to cross the heavily fortified frontier .
16 At about this time tights were no longer worn on stage : ‘ wet white ’ was used for the Girls ' legs .
17 ‘ But when I went back the next day , I was told the two shops were no longer connected .
18 Benjamin drew himself up so his shoulders were no longer stooped .
19 The vote showed , he said , that Conservative dissidents were no longer prepared to do what anybody — whip , 1922 committee officer , minister , or PM — told them .
20 Pre-election talk about cutting off thieves ' hands and stoning adulterers is no longer heard .
21 Sunburst Books is no longer represented by ABS distributed by CBS .
22 Parents are no longer told what methods to adopt , but rather the frame of mind in which to adopt them .
23 It means that even gardens are no longer cared for in the despair that is felt .
24 The effects have yet to be fully assessed , but there is some concern that , as bus companies are no longer allowed to engage in cross-subsidisation ( ie direct profits from profitable routes towards subsidising unprofitable ones ) , unprofitable routes and evening and weekend services may be forced to close .
25 Arabs are no longer seen as cowardly and loathsome terrorists ; their determination and solidarity has impressed their enemies .
26 Arabs are no longer seen as cowardly and loathsome terrorists ; their determination and solidarity has impressed their enemies .
27 Foreign business also has a more practical complaint : because of China 's credit squeeze , bills are no longer paid on time .
28 Bread ( if it is wholemeal ! ) and potatoes are no longer considered the baddies in health and obesity .
29 They point to the increasing numbers of very old people who live on their own , and draw the invalid conclusion that kinship ties have weakened , and that obligations are no longer recognized , so that old people are left to be cared for predominantly by strangers .
30 Just because their lives are no longer structured by employment or education , there is more space for a variety of life patterns among the elderly of any class background .
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