Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] members [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Benevolent societies , even trade unions , arranged to subsidise the emigration of their clients or members as the only practicable means of dealing with pauperism and unemployment .
2 Guidelines for employees in handling VIOLENCE and AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOUR by clients or members of the public
3 6.1 Violent behaviour by clients or members of the public can not always be predicted .
4 Similarly , the Department of Social Work 's guidelines for employees in handling violence and aggressive behaviour by clients or members of the public will be revised periodically having regard to service development and other relevant sources of information .
5 At first , the streets of Teheran were held by Mossadeq supporters and members of the Tudeh Party .
6 Chamber president Norman Campbell acknowledged Darlington had a problem with glue sniffers but praised police for reacting to complaints from traders and members of the public .
7 Right , well , good evening , ladies , gentlemen and members of the public , and erm , the first thing I 'd like to do is to ask the youngest of the young ladies at the end of the table , who have come to talk to us , and I 'm not quite sure , let me guess which one , but I reckon that that 's Miss and , and that 's Miss .
8 Watching the final were 17 past winners and members of the Mastermind club — a 500-strong organisation of people who have taken part .
9 ‘ … preserve the memory and honour the example by charitable means of comrades or members of the Association who have died in our Service … ’
10 The importance of the forthcoming meeting in January 1992 between Central American countries and members of the Caribbean Community ( CARICOM ) was recognized .
11 Why does the Minister think that — as the hon. Member for Saffron Walden ( Mr. Haselhurst ) said — those having a close knowledge of adult education , including the voluntary sector , women 's institutes and members of the Conservative party , are so deeply unconvinced by the Minister 's replies that there were half a million signatures to a petition opposing the Government 's proposals ?
12 Distribution of the cash before striking off does not absolve the directors and members of the company from any liability .
13 GATHERING at Rochester Airport on Saturday October 24 were a group of aircraft engineers and members of the Medway Aircraft Preservation Society ( MAPS ) .
14 At the beginning of 1934 be attempted to gain more influential and financial support from establishment and entrepreneurial sources ; hence the formation of the January Club , a dining group which although not specifically a front organization , nevertheless was designed to influence politicians , businessmen and members of the armed services towards the fascist case .
15 Later , officials described the meeting between the businessmen and members of the government-in-exile as " extremely positive " .
16 There 's that side of things , and I hope that that is changing , alas again too slowly erm I think the Taylor report , which firmly came down on the side of more lay control of schools by parents and members of the community , put up and unanswerable case .
17 The civil service is in turmoil , with technocrats and members of the old regime being dumped in favour of the Democrats ' placemen .
18 Callières urged that young Frenchmen , if they could not meet the cost themselves , should be able to see other countries as members of the entourages of French ambassadors or envoys " according to the practice of the Spaniards and Italians who look upon it as an honour for them to accompany the ministers of their master in these sorts of voyages " .
19 Although , of course , lawyers do not have the same experience of these matters as members of the legislature , they are not wholly ignorant of them .
20 There are many exemptions including , since 1967 , firms of accountants , solicitors and members of The Stock Exchange .
21 Two solicitors challenged this decision but the House of Lords held that since , in administering the scheme , the Society was acting in a public capacity in the interests of all solicitors and members of the public who employed them , the legality of its decision was to be judged according to principles of public law , not private law ; and so judged , what the Society had done was a proper use of its statutory powers .
22 We went on to the villa which had been requisitioned for the Bologna branch of the Allied Screening Commission : like all the villas requisitioned by Germans and members of the Allied forces alike , it was far too splendid for the purpose to which they put it .
23 Sponsors include offices of government , international and domestic environmental organizations and enterprises , youth groups and members of the artistic and cultural community .
24 An example comes from Williams ( 1981 , p.23 ) when he discusses the beneficiaries of a large World Bank project in Nigeria : ‘ these rich beneficiaries are drawn from army officers , government officials , contractors , merchants and members of the office-holding aristocracy , who purchase land in anticipation of benefits from the project and from cheap bank credits ’ .
25 The many guests included those who lived and worked there along with a number of former staff and residents , representatives from the Leonard Cheshire Foundation , the statutory authorities and members of the management committee and support groups .
26 Since 1980 it has repeatedly engaged in operations which have included the torture and execution-like killing of captive civilians , local authorities and members of the security forces .
27 Continuing inter-communal and ethnic tensions between Serbia and Croatia [ see pp. 37973 , 38019 ] reached a new peak on March 1-2 , when violent clashes broke out between the Croatian authorities and members of the local ethnic Serbian majority in Pakrac , a town close to the borders with Bosnia and Vojvodina .
28 All the same , some power remained and the majority of academics were Jesuits or Dominicans or members of the other many orders .
29 Also present were members of the CTSP and the Cabinet , foreign observers and members of the Unified Movements and Fronts of Azawad , representing the Tuaregs .
30 In other important cities , however , including Málaga in the south , Santander on the north coast , and the Basque city of Bilbao , the rising either failed to get started or was swiftly quelled by loyal troops and members of the two main armed police forces , the Civil Guard and Assault Guard .
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