Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] we used [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The dining room in our town house is smaller than the one we had in our big , Victorian family house , so we do n't hold as many large dinner parties as we used to .
2 We do n't inhabit our homes as we used to .
3 Er you see the the wireless that we 'd got was the old cats whisker on a crystal , you see , and a pair of earphones that we used to And if anybody rustled a paper , you see ?
4 There was different th different things that we used to used to do , I mean erm that was Sunday taken care of .
5 We 're more conscious of these things than we used to be , before .
6 And , and , and lets remember that the first big shock that British sportsmen got , the first shaking of the earth which intimated that we were n't so hot at these things as we used to be was in professional sport , it was in football , it was when the Hungarians beat England in nineteen-fifty-six , and the Hungarian army officer Elista Pushkas became erm a world figure because he 'd led the team that had humbled British football might .
7 Could n't we have the arguments that we used to ?
8 We had an ongoing er thing you know what I mean that erm er now and again they used to have pushes and we used to out and do a little bit door
9 We used to get help from the Co-ops because they used to give us lists of new members and we used to be able to canvass those .
10 Apparently we 're not killing as many cows as we used to .
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