Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [pron] have left " in BNC.

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1 She remembered Havvie 's last words when he had left her that afternoon , and knew that what he had said was true .
2 Laura almost groaned out loud as she recalled Ross 's reassuring words when he 'd left for London two days ago .
3 My husband suffered a stroke two years ago which has left him partially sighted , but he loves to meet up with old colleagues .
4 This way , it was going to be fairly obvious that someone had emptied a bottle of bleach into the punch but , since Henry could not possibly have a motive for murdering the whole of Maple Drive ( as far as the police were concerned , anyway ) , it would be relatively easy for him to gasp in horror and dismay and to take the Wimbledon CID around the places where he had left the bowl of punch unattended .
5 At last he joined her , shaking the water from his hair and grabbing his towel from the rails where he had left it .
6 He had found my rope , climbed out of the moat , and was already running towards the trees where I had left my horse .
7 He stretched and looked about him , feeling good , noticing his furs where he had left them in the corner of the room .
8 He ran back and found the others where he had left them .
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