Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] come to [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 A less elevated but similar claim was made by Eudes II in a letter written to King Robert : ‘ If it is a question of the nature of the benefice you gave me , the fact is that it does not come from your domain , but from the estates which come to me with your consent by hereditary right from my ancestors . ’
2 Erm and er what I would like to see , and I 've long wanted to see this coming out of the church , is a rite of passage that I with integrity can offer to any parents who come to me with a , a , a lovely little baby in their arms saying to me parish minister can you give us something that would satisfy us , and they 're not saying it like this , but they want a rite of passage .
3 And and she 's got a couple of lady solicitors who come to her !
4 Her stained fingers deftly fold betel nut and spices into a betel leaf to hand the paan or a packet of cigarettes to customers who come to her .
5 He also explains that the reason he is happy to accept minimum portfolios of £25,000 is because ‘ time and time again , small investors who come to us are pleased with the service and come back five or ten years later ’ , having inherited substantial sums .
6 I 'm also an alternative therapist and I do find that this is one of the major problems , that ninety percent of my patients who come to me suffer from stress and depression , and really what has happened in a lot of cases is that they have been put on valium and drugs , they find the side effects are horrific !
7 And actually really in a last resort in many cases they come to you .
8 One aspect of this operation over which state schools , at any rate , have minimal control is the pupils who come to them .
9 Of course , this is something that private schools already do , but it is interesting that , even in the public sector , some ‘ magnet ’ schools , upset by their relatively poor performance in examination results , are asking if they ca n't exclude children who come to them on placing requests from deprived areas .
10 Sarah Abbott , also from Edinburgh Women 's Aid , added : ‘ These figures highlight not only the amount of women and children who come to us but also the amount who unfortunately we have to turn away because of lack of space , facilities and funding . ’
11 ‘ Ninety-eight per cent of couples who come to us have already started a sexual relationship , ’ she said .
12 Rather than refer them to other people , I find myself , as I am sure my colleagues do too , making the basic applications for citizens who come to me in order to save them time , effort and money .
13 It seems to me that she 's also saying , it 's also a plea , on Charlotte Bronte 's behalf to men , to want women who come to them developed , independent and
14 Students who come to him after an hour or more of reception learning may be more ready to take an active part than students who have already spent most of the morning burrowing in the library or measuring the school buildings .
15 He has obligations not merely to the students who come to him to read for a degree , but still more towards the teeming population outside the University walls , most of whom have not so much as " heard whether there be any Holy Ghost " .
16 Most of the students who come to me with problems are absolutely preoccupied by their parents , their friends , their sexual partners — ’ I grunted noncommittally .
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