Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] we [verb] already " in BNC.

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1 In a general sense that is what many of the strategies which we have already discussed are aiming to do .
2 As a result , the evidence for this second stage in the history of marriage depends entirely on the two assumptions which we have already noted .
3 Our first task now is to continue the reforms which we have already begun . ’
4 The variety at first seems bewildering , but leaving aside primitive creatures like jellyfish and corals which we have already discussed , and the much more advanced backboned fish , nearly all can be allocated to one of three main types : shelled animals , like clams , cowries and sea snails ; radially symmetrical creatures like starfish and sea urchins ; and elongated animals with segmented bodies varying from wriggling bristle worms to shrimps and lobsters .
5 What they did incontestably leave were remarkable examples of those hard-wearing memorials which we have already observed from prehistoric times : stones .
6 A similar explanation in comparative terms can be given of the notions of ‘ superior ’ and ‘ subordinate ’ criteria which we have already used .
7 We will build on the producer marketing initiatives which we have already launched , including the Group Marketing Grant .
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