Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [adv] led to " in BNC.

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1 Subsequently , and very shortly after having written that letter , the father sought legal advice in Australia and then took the steps which eventually led to the issue of this originating summons .
2 experience of trying to , trying to put through land reform in erm areas which then led to just incredibly bad
3 Henceforth each successive royal election provoked party conflicts and personal intrigues which often led to civil war , as well as pressure and even forcible intervention from abroad on behalf of competing candidates .
4 Sharpe 's current illness apart , he also missed several months with repeated hernia problems which eventually led to surgery .
5 It was here that , at the Competition for the Crown forty-two years before , Edward the First of England had met the Scots magnates and set in motion the actions which ultimately led to the Wars of Independence .
6 Several doors opened off the landing and there were ladder-like stairs which presumably led to the attics .
7 Japan 's attempts to cut off China from the south provoked the US into sanctions which ultimately led to Pearl Harbor in December 194I .
8 Associated with the growth of the proletariat in the towns of feudal times were other processes which together led to the concentration of the means of production in ever-fewer hands , a process which ultimately led to the capitalism of the nineteenth century .
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