Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] all [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 REPRESENTATIVES from 32 companies from all over Mid Wales met at Coleg Powys , Newtown , to learn about a new state-of-the-art manufacturing method , Just in Time .
2 This one was more highbrow than most , bringing together economists from all over Eastern Europe and the West as well .
3 At the end of the seventeenth century Defoe reckoned that Hull did more trade than any other town of its size in Europe , with the local merchants shipping goods from all over northern and eastern England to the Continent , and importing goods from the European ports .
4 We prop the grating open with another branch and spend the next half-hour pulling fallen branches and logs from all over that part of the hill , dragging them into the clump of bushes and throwing them into the shaft ; we snap dead branches off trees and bushes and haul and peel living ones off ; we scrape together armfuls of dry leaf litter and throw those over the edge of the chimney , too ; everything goes under the grating and down into the shaft .
5 Turning the Map : Images from the Americas part one , Christopher Columbus reached America 500 years ago and amid the celebrations of his achievement this two-part exhibition by photographers from all over that continent reminds us that America is not just one country and Columbus ' arrival was not so much a discovery , but more the beginning of colonisation by Europeans ( until 21 Feb ) .
6 An announcement by Argentina 's President Carlos Menem rescinding a planned threefold hike in the duties on paper imported for book production was greeted with delight by hundreds of publishers and other book professionals from all over Latin America gathered for the official opening ceremony of the 19th Buenos Aires International Book Fair on 16th April .
7 In about 1228 Henry moved to the papal court , where he wrote occasional verse for patrons from all over western Europe .
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