Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] order [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Though I have never heard of any one collaboration between restaurateur and artist proving more lucrative than the next , there does not seem to be any shortage of artists who will in effect take on certain risks in order to get their work out on the town .
2 It is also interesting to reflect upon the restraints applies by the City of Edinburgh in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in order to protect its environment .
3 For someone over seventy her descent of that great staircase was as good as a frolic ; her satchel swung wildly round merrily bumping her large bottom , her sensible suede shoes skippetty-hopped like the finest quality glass slippers , while her honest tweed skirt flirted up her legs in order to give her long beige knickers their first sight of the sunshine in quarter of a century .
4 When she mentioned this , Fen did not move but merely swayed his hips to one side , so that she was forced to duck her head past strong legs in order to see what she was doing .
5 There was a great unwillingness to change any of the methods in order to accommodate our child 's own particular needs .
6 Both The Cloud of Unknowing and Walter Hilton suggest that some people who had read Rolle 's work or who had heard about his experiences were almost breaking all bounds in order to encounter something similar themselves and were , consequently , damaging themselves as well as wasting their time .
7 This celebrated treatise , usually known as " The Art of Courtly Love " , lies at the origin of the legend of the Courts of Love , tribunals before which lovers were supposed to bring their quarrels in order to have them adjudicated by authorities in the art of love like Eleanor of Aquitaine and her daughter .
8 There are innumerable guides to public speaking that offer advice not only on preparing the material but how to make your voice resonant , ways to use your eyes in order to hold your audience , microphone techniques , and so on .
9 Art historians may be interested in anything which requires the use of one 's eyes in order to understand it , from Chartres Cathedral and Michelangelo 's Moses to the signs and symbols of everyday life in twentieth-century society , and they may find the objects of their study anywhere from the sale rooms to the archaeologist 's excavation trench .
10 He also reminded the Association that the registration procedure would take time and invited it to nominate three north country shipowners to visit the London head office of the union , inspect all books and documents relating to membership and funds in order to satisfy themselves that it was a bona fide organisation .
11 I 'm disturbed that one or two suppliers of environmentally-friendly products seem to be adopting conventionally unscrupulous tactics in order to sell their goods .
12 Mitac International Corp , Taipei , Taiwan is to merge its US units in order to strengthen its operations there : Compac Electronics Inc , American Mitac Corp , Mitac Research Corp and Microelectronics Inc will be merged under the Compac name : Mitac bought an 80% stake in Compac , which should not be confused with to Compaq Computer Corp but no doubt will , in 1991 ; it says it has no current plans to buy the remaining 20% from independent investors ; the merged company is expected to have turnover of $240m in 1993 , rising to $500m in 1996 , Mitac said .
13 General browsing is associated with public library users " who look over books in order to decide which to borrow or read . "
14 There was ‘ Pooper Scooper ’ Watkins , a young woman who insisted not only on picking up her dog 's faeces with a see-through plastic glove , but also on waving it in the faces of passers-by in order to emphasize her ecological soundness .
15 BA refers to the tendency of ruling classes in Third World societies to turn to authoritarian solutions in order to implement their development strategies , particularly the project of export led industrialization , which requires rather more social discipline than other strategies .
16 Now those are in years for consistently what we have done is we have held those savings in order to do what we said earlier , prune this council back and we structured the organisation by pruning back on staff and that 's why th the vacancies had run as high as they have .
17 ‘ The result of this decision will be more applications for care orders and more children removed from their homes in order to protect them , ’ he said .
18 If your life is so rushed that you only have five to ten minutes for lunch , and your body knows that you have to consume at least 300–400 calories in order to make it through until the evening , it is going to look for a very convenient solution , and that means , high calorie , low volume food that is readily available , such as a chunky cheese sandwich , or worse still , a chocolate bar .
19 When they could not get gold for their dollars after 1971 ( the US gold stock fell by only $2½ billion over the whole period ) , they only acquired these dollars because they were prepared to sell their own currencies in order to prevent them rising further .
20 Now , however , the Scots were more audacious and belligerent than ever , and Lancaster was the heir to Edward 's problems , particularly as the earl raised quite as many qualms and suspicions as the king did ; there was even talk of him allying with the Scots in order to defeat his English enemies .
21 All the difficulties with ‘ wet white ’ were eliminated in Birmingham where there was an obscure ruling that bare legs were banned ( this remained in force as late as the 1950s ) , so when playing there they were given cotton tights but had to put a penny at the side , wrap a piece of string round it and the tights in order to hold them up .
22 ( b ) the institutional arrangements made by schools in order to implement their plans : the management structure of the school library , its relationship to the senior management structure of the school and to curriculum planning activities ;
23 Sinhalese cattle medicine called for branding the animal with particular designs in order to give it strength or to cure it of various illnesses .
24 A dominant characteristic of the location-factor school is its focus on the particular features of areas in order to explain their relative fortunes .
25 Following a recent demonstration at the City stockbroking firm James Capel ( where water companies ' finance is influenced ) , the SAS is now buying shares in the British water companies in order to attend their AGMs and have a say .
26 On hearing of his death Viscount Aimar and Geoffrey de Lusignan left Limoges in order to accompany his body as far as Grandmont .
27 He turned left down an alley without indicating and I had to carve up a Volvo with Swedish number plates in order to follow him .
28 Supplies and Contractors Assessments will be made of our suppliers and contractors in order to identify their attitude to environmental issues .
29 This is the geography lesson Yucatecos give to visitors in order to explain their state 's politics , in which separatist sentiment is never far from the surface .
30 The Supreme Court ruled on June 15 that the US government could legally abduct people from foreign countries in order to bring them to trial in the USA .
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