Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] the effect that " in BNC.

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1 The driver may be forthcoming that his boss said words to the effect that he knew there was no insurance but the vehicle was the only one available and the journey had to be undertaken .
2 ‘ did loiter ( or solicit ) ’ Two police officers will keep observations for prostitutes and to prove this point their evidence should contain words to the effect that ‘ the accused walked slowly up and down High Street five times stopping and talking to several men .
3 Well apparently rumour has it that the doctor at the hospital who dealt with these last cases was saying words to the effect that er Jonathan just put Jonathan in a situation and he 'd keep the hospital in business for evermore .
4 Yes I did er I sh I wo n't say the exact words but they were words to the effect that er that I was sorry , that I understood and appreciated that er erm his family would have been terrified by the experience .
5 In the wake of Wang 's going Chapter 11 , a bon mot dropped from Scott McNealy 's lips to the effect that things are so bad in Massachusetts now they do n't even bother to plough Route 128 when it snows .
6 For example , on 22 September 1939 the Department of Health for Scotland Advisory Committee on Evacuation noted that ‘ the Billeting Appeal Tribunal in Perth had numerous appeals supported by medical certificates to the effect that the health of the householder would be injured by the presence of evacuees in the home ’ .
7 Kenya Television on April 29 quoted aid workers to the effect that forces loyal to the USC were now firmly in control of the town .
8 So dramatic were the claims for some of these anti-ageing products that there were rumblings to the effect that such powerful preparations ought to be classified as ‘ drugs ’ .
9 The output from GIMMS consists of a list of the options specified together with informative messages to the effect that a data file with 42 zones and 2 variables has been created and saved to the file opened on unit 12 .
10 In editorial and descriptive commentary , there are many comments about chaotic or ‘ lawless ’ spellings ( for example , Sisam , 1915 : xxxvii ) and even editorial judgements to the effect that a given scribe could not have been a native English speaker , so variable is his spelling ( Hall , 1920 II : 637 ) .
11 Despite our firm statements to the effect that the list was purely illustrative and that there were no doubt omissions , media attention centred on this list to the detriment of the other , more important recommendations in the Report .
12 By the time Dr Meredith arrived , he had revived considerably and the doctor soon left again making only vague statements to the effect that my father had perhaps been ‘ over-working ’ .
13 Statements to the effect that , in relation to lesbian and gay rights , there had been no ‘ public work in the civil society ’ were simply mendacious .
14 ‘ did drive ’ Driving is usually proved by witness statements to the effect that they saw the defendant drive .
15 On the other hand , recent cases contain statements to the effect that judicial review will be allowed in the face of an alternative remedy ‘ only in exceptional cases ’ .
16 There were even explicit statements to the effect that science and religion should not be mixed .
17 Statements to the effect that a particular programme has had an increase in funding do not say anything about the quality of the service offered .
18 He had become a political exile in France in October 1990 , and had made public statements to the effect that he would not return to Albania until democracy had been restored there [ see p. 37792 ] .
19 He reiterated his previous statements to the effect that " the traditional use of the coca leaf and its legal and beneficial by-products , as well as its social , cultural and religious contexts … should not be confused with the scourge of the illegal consumption of cocaine " .
20 Despite extensive evidence from numerous independent sources to the effect that there is little to choose between the performance of a well formulated detergent and the invariably more expensive combined products , known as sanitisers , a whole industry has been built around marketing sanitisation .
21 Favoured with the inside story of the Fawaz Younis kidnapping and other government ‘ exclusives ’ , Emerson 's special relationship with Federal law-enforcement agencies was again on display when he quoted unnamed Washington sources to the effect that allegations of DEA involvement in the Lockerbie disaster had been traced to one Lester Knox Coleman , a ‘ disgruntled former DEA confidential informant who was terminated ’ .
22 A number of people were granted exemption on the grounds either that they were too poor to pay taxes and rates or that they had a certificate signed by the minister and parish officers to the effect that their premises were worth not more than 1 per annum or that their personal property was worth less than £10 per annum ; however , no exemption was allowed anyone possessing more than two hearths .
23 This feature is probably best described in terms of the effect that it has rather than how that effect is produced in technical terms .
24 One hears odd whispers to the effect that the production of seed is limited , and that only a few growers are allowed to handle them .
25 Chapter 2 I , which seems to have been composed as an afterthought to the main body of the Gospel with its climax in 20:31 , indicates that there was a tradition doing the rounds in Christian circles to the effect that John would not die : he would be there until the Second Coming of Christ .
26 In the interest of minimizing opposition to his initiative , he allowed rumours to circulate in army circles to the effect that the speech had been aimed primarily at the UN which was about to debate the war .
27 The comments I made about the narrowness of Nicolson Street at the Community Centre was based on observations from Highways to the effect that it would not be possible to fit in a northbound bus lane unless there were only a single southbound lane and no bus stop .
28 In reaction to the many comments to the effect that shanty towns are full of poverty , misery and crime , he pointed out that these settlements were an improvement on the city centre slums .
29 The latter were sometimes answered by editorial comments to the effect that the country was not ready for African self-government .
30 In many countries the government stimulates such enterprises by providing some start-up capital , but the spokesman for our government came across very poorly , with totally negative comments to the effect that if inventors thought they could rely on the government for help , they were wrong .
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