Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh pn] had previously been " in BNC.

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1 At school leaving age , parents who had previously been able to cope with a child attending or possibly boarding at a special school are faced with the continuing prospect of full time life with their mentally handicapped son or daughter who may be unable to find a place in a training centre or enter full time education .
2 In 1847 Darby and other Brethren who had previously been critical , both of his eschatology and his authoritarian style of leadership , accused Newton of Christological heresy .
3 Many strikes were headed by groups of workers who had previously been fairly quiescent .
4 By means of the co-operatives patients who had previously been subject to institutional peonage — payment of token wages in exchange for hospital work — have been able to earn wages comparable with those in the wider economy .
5 But whatever its humble origins , when the new word was picked up by the newspapers in August 1898 it was quickly transformed into a term of more general notoriety , so that ‘ Hooligan ’ and ‘ Hooliganism ’ became the controlling words to describe troublesome youths who had previously been known more loosely as ‘ street arabs ’ , ‘ ruffians ’ or ‘ roughs ’ .
6 When Clifford Smyth was persuaded to resign from the DUP , he also felt obliged to leave the Free Presbyterian Church , not because the leadership of the Church suggested it , but because he felt a tension between himself and other congregation members who had previously been political colleagues .
7 Some 21 per cent of all flows into unemployment by men who had previously been employed were accounted for in this way , slightly more than were accounted for by redundancy ( 20 per cent ) or dissatisfaction with pay or conditions ( 19 per cent ) and considerably more than were accounted for by dismissals ( 10 per cent ) ( Wood , 1982 ) .
8 The minister also said that the government expected to double the size of the electorate by extending the franchise to women over 21 and to naturalized citizens who had previously been denied the vote .
9 It is recorded somewhat ruefully that , after years of struggle , when the Veterinarian had won its fight to get the course lengthened , students who had previously been apprenticed for three or four years to a practitioner claimed they at least ought to be able to leave the College after 12 months , and not have to stay the same period — two years — as the non-apprenticed .
10 What was of most interest , however , was that these subjects then performed less well in subsequent trials when the outcomes were made controllable than did those animals or students who had previously been in controllable situations .
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