Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh pn] happen [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 They are also the greasy old retro pimps it 's OK to like , a bunch of seedy would-be Lynch subjects who happen to be one of the most important groups in Britain today .
2 U. supporters who happen to be at the fete will have extra motivation for hitting the net behind Wesley .
3 If tha does n't believe me , ger a bag of coil on thi back and I 'll get one on mine [ not something unusual for Amos who happened to be a coalmerchant ] and ah 'll race thee to t ’ top o' t' wood ! ’
4 This will include purchasers , donnees , borrowers , employees of a purchaser and bystanders who happen to be injured .
5 Back to the RSPCA campaign — while admirable , it does give the impression that the 1000 dogs destroyed daily are all good-tempered , potentially healthy young dogs who happen to be without a home .
6 The important thing is that we go onstage feeling like a unit , rather than a bunch of individuals who happen to be playing in the same key . ’
7 Buddeke wrote bits of her speech into a notebook as he examined those around him and made note of the enthusiastic individuals who happened to be standing nearby , describing dress , attitude , or making little sketches .
8 He points to the irrationality of this assumption and makes the seemingly rather obvious point that ‘ Torture … is an infallible means for absolving robust scoundrels and for condemning innocent persons who happen to be weak ’ ( p. 32 ) .
9 The basic idea is that in order to study a single linguistic feature , the investigator will elicit a set word or phrase in entirely naturalistic conditions from persons who happen to be in a given place at a given time .
10 As you well know our mission statement , Save The Children 's vision , commits us to using our experience gained here and overseas to achieve lasting benefits for children on a far wider scale than would be the case if we just confined our work to those children and families who happen to be involved in the projects we run .
11 It also transpired that parts of England ( east and south-east ) were put on full invasion alert at the time , but it seems that ‘ Cromwell ’ had been ignored in some places where the junior officers who happened to be on duty had not been let into the secret of what it meant .
12 Next , his staff in the White House hamfistedly fire seven non-political civil servants who happen to be popular with their only real clients — the White House press corps .
13 Olsen points out that this sort of imagery is alienating for poets who happen to be women ; I would point out in addition the rather sinister implication that men are somehow masters of language , so that they and not we are entitled to decide her fate .
14 Formal goals may be displaced by informal and incompatible goals that reflect the interests of members who happen to be in a position to substitute their goals for those of ‘ the organization ’ .
15 Certainly the constant parade of young men calling round for a chat and tea , if there was any , or to take the girls out for the evening were friends who happened to be boys .
16 I saw now what I 'd known all the time , only I 'd hidden it craftily from myself because it did n't fit in with what I wanted to do , that Terry and I had no basis for a love-affair ; we were friends who happened to be attracted to each other physically , which was far from enough , and by thinking it was enough we 'd gone against the very nature of our relationship .
17 Sometimes this may be unfortunate pupils who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time ; but often it is the teachers ' families who begin to bear the brunt , and whose reserves of tolerance and goodwill may also , after a while , begin to dry up in turn .
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