Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh det] [vb mod] appeal to " in BNC.

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1 Its function is to offer a series of social activities which might appeal to all or various groups within our community .
2 Fully illustrated reading passages covering a range of topics which will appeal to children .
3 Project English 1 is divided into eight projects on topics which will appeal to teenagers , such as ‘ Communication ’ , ‘ The Family ’ , ‘ Animals ’ and ‘ Space ’ .
4 In conclusion , I am advocating that , as the whole-school approach grows in popularity as a positive response to children with special educational needs , it is important that schools , as organisations , and teachers , as individuals , reject the segregationist policy towards disruptive pupils which might appeal to some teachers and government policy makers .
5 It 's described as a ‘ dark thriller with melodramatic overtones which will appeal to all Raymond Chandler fans ’ .
6 Contexts which will appeal to young teenagers .
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