Example sentences of "[noun pl] [am/are] concerned [pers pn] be " in BNC.

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1 I suppose the difficulty about us is that so far as money and possessions are concerned we 're at a more primitive stage than the rest .
2 Erm your worships as far as the personal circumstances are concerned she is fifty nine years old , she has n't worked for the last three years she 's in receipt of invalidity benefit similarly her husband who has n't worked for the last ten or eleven years er , is on invalidity benefit .
3 MAKING money is all about timing and I reckon that as far as mortgage rates are concerned we are within a whisker of hitting the bottom .
4 Ah well , as far as the pyjama-game players are concerned it 's a case of : ‘ On with the motley and on with the motley ! ’
5 Talking of double standards , of road versus rail and the Bill , where footpaths are concerned we are talking about the removal of ancient obligations .
6 As far as the police are concerned it 's all one case and the same officer remains in charge , but when it comes to the judiciary it 's a completely unrelated development and a new magistrate has been appointed . ’
7 As far as adults are concerned it is important to note that the overwhelming emphasis within MSC is upon the 16–19 age group .
8 Langbaurgh 's Leisure Services Officer , Max Coleby , said : ‘ As far as road races are concerned we are having to financially batten down the hatches this year and all events will be self-financing .
9 That ground has not been strongly urged and I leave it out of account , but so far as the other grounds are concerned I am satisfied that there is validity in that criticism and those are matters which ought to have been taken into account and , being matters which are relevant , in my judgment , that is a reason why this appellate court can and should intervene .
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