Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] not [be] carried " in BNC.

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1 Within the institutions , however , there was a growing sense of revolution unfulfilled : the decisions taken by government did not amount to policy , and the roles nebulously defined for the polytechnics could not be carried out and development sustained without public policies underpinned by finance .
2 TCG is biased against the taxpayer and in favour of the Revenue , because losses can not be carried back and there is no provision for carrying forward unused annual exemptions nor for top-slicing ( spreading the gains over the years during which they have occurred ) .
3 Their liberated lives could not be carried on in the child-centred suburbs .
4 Resits may not be carried forward to another examination session , even if the particular module is repeated and another resit examination offered .
5 for example , that if a sporting event ends prematurely because of bad weather , or of attendance falls short of anticipated levels , some or all of the casual labour force can be discharged and workers need not be carried when there is nothing for them to do .
6 Without them , many of today 's sophisticated techniques would not be carried out , particularly in the vital field of Blood Transfusion .
7 More important was the fact that one was a Copt and one a Moslem , which gave hope that , honour being satisfied on both sides , the exchanges might not be carried further .
8 This would mean that safety procedures would not be carried out and all the nation 's pits might have to be scrapped in a mass act of collective suicide .
9 If they find that their plans can not be carried out , this teaches them that their anticipations concerning the decisions of others were overly optimistic .
10 It is essential to be very specific about this in your will , or your intentions may not be carried out .
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