Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] be aware [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In considering Community legal texts , national courts must be aware of the characteristic features of Community law and the particular difficulties to which its interpretation gives rise .
2 At the very least , artists should be aware of the context in which the work will be shown .
3 The regional health authorities must be aware of and able to respond through their educational strategies to the problem of the national perspective .
4 At the start of any meeting to discuss the terms of an acquisition , both parties should be aware of what has been agreed so far , what is outstanding and what is to be covered in the forthcoming session .
5 For now I would like to describe two lesser known parasites under the letter E that fishkeepers should be aware of :
6 The theme of the week was ‘ Dangerous Bands in safe Hands ’ , and this was an attempt to highlight the union 's concern that live music promoters should be aware of their responsibilities to new artists , and provide them with opportunities for live work with fair conditions and rates of pay .
7 Those parties for whom work is to be done or who themselves are doing work for engineers must be aware of the inherent uncertainties involved in the project and negotiate a sensible and commercially prudent apportionment of liability .
8 This is usually the province of the production engineering department but all engineers should be aware of the systems and conventions used in their own companies .
9 Engineers should be aware of the need to balance reliance on codes and standards with project–specific risk assessment .
10 Engineers should be aware of the potential for communication breakdowns , especially at internal or external interfaces .
11 This is usually the province of the production engineering department but all engineers should be aware of the systems and conventions used in their own companies .
12 There are certain drawbacks to the use of amniocentesis testing which parents should be aware of before proceeding .
13 Parents should be aware of increasing strain around exam time and avoid adding to it by , for instance , having too high expectations .
14 But they warn that parents should be aware of the possible dangers.Ian Maclaren reports .
15 Planners must be aware of the less acceptable aspects of bringing people from too large a catchment area .
16 The article concludes that ASWs need be aware of potential sexist GP practice , that their psychosocial perspective is critical to assessment and that ASW training should include gender issues .
17 Although individuals may be aware of sometimes talking in " a mixture " this is very rarely commented on .
18 I think that this is something that we as Christians should be aware of and , if possible , we ought to be available to help keen ex-offenders reintegrate into society .
19 In deciding which combinations to take after the first year of study , applicants should be aware of the entry requirements for both subjects .
20 My hon. Friends ' constituents should be aware of the exact commitment made by those who are to manage the trust once it is established on 1
21 ‘ You ca n't avoid accidents , but physicians and workers should be aware of the risk , ’ she said .
22 In other words , I wanted to study the members ( and their parents and other persons ) as individuals ; I wanted to study the kinds of interactions that took place when they took account of each other ( Weber , 1947 , p. 88 ) ; and , at a more abstract level than most of the participants would be aware of , I wanted to note sociological phenomena such as power structures , communication networks and the unintended consequences of the beliefs and practices of the movement .
23 It appears few small businesses may be aware of discretionary relief .
24 And while store owners may be aware of the new regulations , many shoppers admit they do n't know what to look for when examining furniture .
25 Businesses involved with these goods must be aware of the special requirements , but for other traders , the following general principles will apply .
26 The second is not a serious problem , but one that foreign learners should be aware of .
27 In particular , people using busy main line and underground stations , airports and bus terminals should be aware of unaccompanied luggage .
28 Fido 's owners should be aware of this and take steps to play him at his own game .
29 Implementers will be aware of the controversial character of the policies and may not themselves subscribe to the goals entailed .
30 He assumed that by now the allied Generals must be aware of the French advance , but it was still his duty to report what he had seen and so he kicked back his heels , waved farewell to the Prussians , and rode on .
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