Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] continue to be " in BNC.

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1 Although the bulk of candidates may continue to be those whose aim is to complete a full HNC or HND course , many , who are interested in retraining or improving their skill level in a specific area , might welcome the opportunity to study for just one or two HN Units .
2 But the tenants of three of the forest townships , namely Alne , Tollerton and Newton , refused to agree to the disafforestment of Galtres Forest on the terms proposed by the royal commissioners , whereupon in March 1631 the king ordered that the lands of those townships should continue to be ‘ within the jurisdiction of a forest and the forest laws ’ .
3 A sizable majority of respondents in each of the remaining categories , including local law societies , agreed that grants to individual clients should continue to be unlimited .
4 Readability , as we have known it , may not be dead , but the utility of formulae must continue to be seriously questioned in the light of current research findings .
5 Wainwright 's books must continue to be available to all who are prepared to accept his own work , as he wrote it , and as the product of his own generation ( and preferably bearing the cherished stamp of the Westmorland Gazette ) .
6 Is he saying that free representation — as opposed to advice — paid for out of public funds would continue to be a monopoly of UKIAS or some other similar organisation ?
7 Whatever changes take place the most successful schools will continue to be those that have an obsession for children and education , putting children and their parents first remains the essential priority .
8 Excessive use of growth promoters , nitrates and pesticides will continue to be an emotive issue , and farmers and retailers must respond to consumer expectations . ’
9 All these biological and psychological imperatives will continue to be much argued over .
10 Meanwhile eyes will continue to be directed towards Channel 4 as the main viable means of gay and lesbian self-expression through film — for now .
11 ‘ The testing of all hens will continue to be compulsory if their eggs are sold to the public , however small the enterprise .
12 Interim losses will continue to be deducted immediately from tier 1 capital .
13 But the assumption was that these matters should continue to be a subject of discussion and debate within the ILEA , leading to new proposals after the five-year implementation period .
14 If this procedure is the most appropriate way of correcting market failure and of otherwise setting the requisite ‘ sociopolitical limits on the exercise of economic rationality ’ then it would seem to follow that the goal of companies should continue to be profit maximisation , within the relevant constraints .
15 However , if the hon. Gentleman had attended the seminar at which I made my remarks last Monday — I greatly regret that he was not there to hear me talk about delegation to the regional arts boards — he would have known that I made the point that if such delegation is fully successful — if the regional arts boards are progressing well — the question whether the five major national companies should continue to be funded by the Arts Council or be funded directly will arise .
16 For this reason we believe that the papillomas at the two sites should continue to be given different names .
17 The planning and delivery of inservice in all of these areas would continue to be a priority concern for future incumbents .
18 Until their coverage is extended nationwide , however , which is still some way off , large numbers of defendants will continue to be remanded in custody unnecessarily because of a lack of adequate information .
19 Finally , certain matters will continue to be governed by requirements for a unanimous vote in the Council .
20 Advice on health service matters will continue to be available from the six professional advisory committees — the national medical , dental , nursing and midwifery , pharmaceutical , paramedical and scientific services .
21 More serious matters will continue to be dealt with in court .
22 Hazardous and toxic waste not suitable for landfill in existing sites will continue to be transported for disposal at facilities in Great Britain .
23 Until this happens we believe such areas will continue to be particularly vulnerable to this and all other types of development .
24 The two leaders confirmed that " our two countries will continue to be the motor of European construction " and desired that the reforms due to be discussed at the two intergovernmental conferences of the European Communities ( EC ) in December [ see p. 37520 ] be ratified by the member countries by Dec. 31 , 1992 , to coincide with the introduction of the single internal market in the EC .
25 here the proceeds do not exceed the cost of the asset less the allowance claimed , an allowance equal to the shortfall will be given unless the original expenditure was pooled , in which case the balance of the pooled expenditure after deducting the disposal proceeds will continue to be written down at 25% per annum .
26 While emphasizing that commodities will continue to be vital to the overall business and that there will be no diminution in efforts to market them , his aim is to make the split nearer 50.50 .
27 But all the signs are that although bottles will continue to be the major end product for ‘ Melinar ’ and will continue to gain business , mainly at the expense of glass , other very important applications will also develop .
28 Again the technicians will continue to be skill-based .
29 The actual payment to pharmacists will continue to be made as at present .
30 The operating systems used on these PCs should continue to be DOS-based , with Windows where applications demand it .
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