Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] stare at the " in BNC.

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1 Ronni opened her eyes and stared at the moon , feeling her poor heart quiver inside her .
2 He narrowed his eyes and stared at the distant wall of the Tower .
3 The row about Catholicism got her out of the house and carried her through two euphoric days , during which she thought about the Trinity , existed on lollipops and stared at the Celebration of the Mass from the back of Westminster Cathedral .
4 I hold my shivering knees and stare at the shadows on the walls .
5 She tucked her hands under her armpits and stared at the ground .
6 ‘ No , ’ he answered , and he picked at one of the nails on his fingers and stared at the floorboards wishing he could disappear into them .
7 Hazel squatted on his haunches and stared at the orderly forest of small , glaucous trees with their columns of black-and-white bloom .
8 He whipped at his horse with the reins and stared at the wood ahead , trying to drag it closer by sheer willpower .
9 She thought of it first when she spent her two nights on the Embankment , which was littered as soon as dark fell with sad , wild men and women stuffing bread into their mouths out of brown paper bags or staring at the barges on the river .
10 Patrick ran both hands through his hair and buried his head in his hands and stared at the fine linen table cloth .
11 They sat in the back of the Dacia for the drive from Otopeni Airport to the outskirts of the city , holding hands and staring at the lights flashing past .
12 Cranston steadied himself carefully on the icy cobbles and stared at the sky .
13 ‘ I thought that was what you said , ’ he muttered , then , drawing in his breath , he put his head back against the pillows and stared at the ceiling .
14 He sat down on the plinth supporting the pumps and stared at the dark glass of the office for a while .
15 She picked up the binoculars and stared at the front door of the plane .
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