Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [Wh det] happen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It seems to imply , for one thing , that if someone has very strong preferences about what happens beyond his own person he thereby renders it important that certain things be done or left undone which have little or nothing to do with his personal life .
2 So it promises to bridge the gap that still in fact exists in many if not most organizations between what happens at the local and individual level and what 's happening at the corporate level .
3 General pictures of what happens during the middle years are inevitably flawed , but they suggest that a change often takes place in marriage at that time and that for many people satisfactions come from sources outside the couple 's relationship .
4 The teachers ' accounts of what happened to them make disturbing reading .
5 The eye-witness accounts of what happened in those few minutes naturally vary in many details , but one of the most reliable descriptions of the actual eruption of the cloud was that of Monsieur Roger Arnoux , a member of the Astronomical Society of France , who was observing from a vantage point well above and away from the town .
6 Views of what happened in the past will vary .
7 So experience is important , but , apart from that in which we are purely passive recipients of what happens to us , we have to have the will and the courage to seek it .
8 The effects of what happened at Chernobyl five years ago this Friday will earn a double place in the history books
9 Whether or not we have firmly held beliefs about what happens after death , we can still be terribly afraid .
10 First of all you need to know that the legislation says that , you need to know the current practice is that , and I can tell you a couple of funny stories about what happened to Mrs Ingalls down the street . ’
11 ‘ I remember — and it 's lucky for you no one asked any awkward questions about what happened along the way when you and Anna spent a night together . ’
12 One of the difficulties of carrying out research on this topic is the need to follow through cases from arrest onwards , as studies of what happens at one stage in the process may be misleading .
13 To reiterate the point just made , this is not an argument about the functional necessity for all societies to have a category of ‘ crime ’ but an argument about the positive qualities of what happens to be defined as crime under capitalism ; indeed , the argument is usually combined with the assumption that under socialism there would be no such thing as crime .
14 This bulletin contains items about what happened to some of the other 1 per cent . ’
15 And she actually remembers the , the details of what happened in those days ?
16 The future may be seen narrowly in terms of what will happen to the children when they move out of this class , or this school , to the next stage ; but ultimately whether or not they have been properly educated will be judged in terms of what happens to them later , when they have left school .
17 Follow through will cost you dearly in time and effort but it may reward you handsomely in terms of what happens to your report .
18 Now I find myself alone — that is irrelevant in terms of what happens to me , but for the idea that the Lord was homosexual , and for the perverted practices on his dead body not to be seen to be blasphemous if the case is lost — about that I am lost for words !
19 The sessions take many forms , but include short , dramatic representations of what happened on a particular site , or characters in role .
20 I warn the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook — I hope that he will accept that I do so in the best possible spirit — not to be carried along by media representations of what happened at Brixton .
21 Of course , there are no witnesses to what happened at the other end of her journey .
22 ‘ This is one of my favourite shows , so if you 're going to tell me a bunch of big lies about what happened to your legs , well , I 'll just go back to watching my show . ’
23 The children had been told to write answers to what happened to Jesus in the temple : What did He do there ? and what did His parents say to Him when they found Him ?
24 Section fifty four A makes your local plan structure plans extremely important governors on what happens on the ground and it 's for that underlying reason that we find E two unjustified and reasonably repressive and an unreasonable extension of constraint by the county on the freedom of districts in their local plans to choose the geography of their of land allocations .
25 The second section , " Hiroshima 1945–1979 " , is a set of portraits of contributors to " Genboku no ko " ( Children of the Atomic Bombing ) , 186 accounts by children of what happened to them on 6 August 1945 .
26 Herbert 's notes give only tantalizing hints of what happened to the other Jacobson children .
27 ‘ If he hears rumours about what happened at the museum I want him to know that nothing terrible happened after all . ’
28 All our interpretations about what happened in the past must ultimately rest upon this evidence surviving from the past .
29 Though there are variations of this view , and disagreements among its adherents , we may validly characterize it as sentence linguistics , because it confines its inquiries to what happens within sentences .
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