Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [adj] days [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Aztec calendar had 365 days but these were divided up into 18 months of 20 days each , plus five ‘ unlucky ’ days .
2 Besides the 260-day cycle ( or ‘ Sacred Year ’ ) the Maya had a solar year of 365 days , known to archaeologists as the ‘ Vague Year ’ , composed of eighteen months of twenty days each and five intercalary days .
3 This news sent stock markets rising after serious losses over recent days due to fears that the President could face impeachment proceedings .
4 After transfection of pREP8-CFTR DNA into the airways of mice of 20–28 days old , sequences corresponding to human CFTR were detected by in situ hybridization ( Fig.2 ) .
5 He could be but not the sort of merchant you 're thinking of there were lots of merchants in those days those merchants who build up places like they were Greek merchants , in fact they were called merchant venturers were n't they ?
6 Healthy Home Cooking is the only series of its kind — and you can savour its unique delights by trying FRESH WAYS WITH VEGETABLES on 10 days FREE home trial at the special low price of just £1.99 ( including p&p ) instead of £15.24 .
7 Send for Fresh Ways with Vegetables on 10 days free trial .
8 2 internal courses of 1.5 days each , plus development of induction materials and of the induction process as a whole
9 4 internal courses of 1.5 days each
10 It was never used by the Greeks , who divided the month into three parts of ten days each , but it was employed by the Jews ( see p. 55 ) .
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