Example sentences of "[noun pl] [noun sg] at the royal " in BNC.

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1 BRENDAN McCARTHY of the Joint Shop Stewards Committee at the Royal will now speak .
2 and the top rowers will be pulling for gold at Henley on finals day at the Royal regatta
3 I had found her when I was a Weapons Instructor at the Royal Marines ' Lympstone camp in Devon .
4 Interviews have now been held in Categories I and III of this year 's Building Manager of the Year Awards and the adjudicating panel is well on its way to a final selection The final results of the Awards , sponsored by Chaffoteaux et Maury and organised by the CIOB with Building , will be kept under wraps until the Awards Dinner at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London on October 7 .
5 According to senior securities adviser at the Royal Bank of Scotland , while this would mean formalising what is already a de-facto two-tier market , it is unlikely to find many objectors among the ranks of private investors .
6 Yesterday 's statement was agreed by more than 30 members of the securities industry and drawn up by Terry Pearson , senior securities adviser at the Royal Bank , after securities specialists met on Tuesday to find a practical replacement for Taurus .
7 GERRY Carson , for years the voice of the Eastern Health Board , has landed a major new public relations post at the Royal Group of Hospitals .
8 WINNERS of tickets to the Broken Wings gig at the Royal Court on June 24 are Annamarie Owens of Liverpool 16 and Andrew Kay of Mawdesley , near Ormskirk .
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