Example sentences of "[adj] contribution to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Our joint submission to the National Council for Vocational Qualifications ( NVCQ ) was duly approved and work commenced swiftly to implement this new venture , which was seen as a positive and exciting contribution to the Government 's radical reform of vocational education .
2 One special case in which the influence of Islam made an important cultural contribution to the development of temporal concepts in Europe concerns music .
3 We wanted to organise the teachers effectively , to improve their lot economically while at the same time making a cultural contribution to the community ’ .
4 Bradford 's scientific contribution to the programme will be in the development of photocatalytic particles of high activity , in addition to which it will fulfill the management role of Project Coordination between the partners and with the E.C .
5 During the first six months of its existence it recorded 156 combats and seventeen confirmed victories ; most of these at Verdun , where it fought intermittently from May to Though still only partially fledged , the Lafayette 's direct contribution to the Battle of Verdun had been significant ; but this was nothing to what , indirectly , its presence there did for the French cause .
6 Some estimates suggest that CFCs direct contribution to the greenhouse effect might be more or less offset by their indirect effect of countering it by depleting ozone .
7 Traditionally , all non-teaching staff had been grouped together regardless of their actual duties , but the concept of operational and support groups ( rather than teaching and non-teaching ) suggested that some of these staff who were directly involved with classroom activities ( eg workshop technicians ) could reasonably come under the control of the lecturing department heads , recognising their direct contribution to the delivery of courses and involvement in the operational side of the business .
8 There is , therefore , a wide spectrum of company life where public relations may operate and make a commercial contribution to the company 's success .
9 She claimed that the British contribution to the budget was ‘ our money ’ which foreigners were taking away .
10 The British contribution to the philosophy of free speech might be summed up in the Duke of Wellington 's phrase , " publish and be damned " .
11 An important indication ( although , as we shall see , not a sufficient one ) that a portion of a sentence is a semantic constituent is that its semantic contribution to the sentence is the same as that which it makes to other , different sentences ; in other words , it carries what is in some sense a constant meaning from context to context .
12 There are two distinct types of variation in the semantic contribution that a word form makes to different sentences — or , to look at it from a different point of view , two ways in which the sentential context of a word form may affect its semantic contribution to the sentence .
13 The pleonasm can be cured by making the dependent item more specific so that it makes a net semantic contribution to the phrase : my patriarchal uncle ( notice that adding specificity to the head has no effect : ? my male maternal uncle ) .
14 It is expected that the project will make a theoretical contribution to the understanding of professional learning .
15 Judges , barristers , solicitors and court officials packed into court to hear Sir Brian say that Lord Justice Higgins ( 66 ) ‘ made a very important and distinguished contribution to the upholding of the rule of law in this troubled province .
16 Congratulations to Miss Kay Evans MBE , ex-President and Vice-President of the Society and Miss Eileen Alexander OBE , also one of our Vice-Presidents , on being made Fellows of the Physical Education Association for their distinguished contribution to the work of the Association and in the physical education and movement field .
17 The College of Art was started as a distinguished contribution to the network of music and art schools and today has the same financial problems as every other higher education institution .
18 ’ Can pay , wo n't pay ’ is shorthand : written out in full , their credo was , ’ We have the money to make our proper contribution to the cost of essential local services , but , because we wish to indulge in political point-scoring , we will withhold that contribution — knowing full well that by doing so we will force local authorities either to increase charges for the great majority of law-abiding citizens , or to cut services . ’
19 If the hon. Gentleman does not think that that is a proper contribution to the health service or a proper qualification for the job that she holds , I am very surprised indeed .
20 Three further bilateral treaties were also initialled : ( i ) a 20-year agreement on economic , industrial and technical co-operation ; ( ii ) a treaty regulating the West German contribution to the payment for Soviet troops in Germany and their withdrawal [ see above ] ; and ( iii ) a treaty regulating the position of the 370,000 Soviet troops while they remained in East Germany and the timing of their withdrawal .
21 The most successful writer who had lived in an English colony was Aphra Behn , who was brought up in Surinam before it was transferred to the Dutch in 1668 , and her most important novel of American life , Oronooko , was so completely sympathetic to the Indian hero that it should be considered as an early contribution to the cult of the noble savage rather than a book which could help its English readers understand the wider world .
22 The Irish Bank Officials ’ Association , over the years , has made a tremendous contribution to the welfare of its members and we know that in recent times IBOA has been engaged in many struggles to protect those terms and conditions .
23 For the time being , however , he did not discard his academic first-class honours and it remains one of the oddities of his life that the first published work of the future Nazi propagandist was a scholarly contribution to the Revue of English Studies in 1928 : ‘ A Note on the Mid Back Slack Unrounded Vowel [ a ] in the English of Today . ’
24 It could thus make an additional contribution to the development debate as such , in which at present the cultural dimension is seen from perspectives emanating from western paradigms .
25 The chief contribution to the pool was to come from Michael Milken , former head of the bank 's " junk bond " department [ for whose conviction in November 1990 see p. 37848 ] .
26 Under the latest agreement with Waterford Crystal employees , the Company 's annual contribution to the scheme is IR£150,000 .
27 There is payable with each application for renewal a renewal fee , and , where applicable , an annual contribution to the Compensation Fund and a special levy in respect of the Compensation Fund .
28 The level of the annual contribution to the Compensation Fund is set by the Council .
29 Not only has Burlison never made any verbal contribution to the committee 's workings , there has to date ( and I 've attended the whole of every meeting ) never been a vote in the Plant Committee .
30 She has made a crucial contribution to the race and representation debate in the U.S. Through works of self-investigation and transformation Piper explores her own racial identity and forces viewers to question their own values and beliefs .
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