Example sentences of "[adj] debate over [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is entirely in keeping with the theoretical debate over academic freedom which we find in the literature .
2 None the less , it remains the case that academics ' public debate over academic freedom is grounded in their wish to defend their rights — as they see it — to conduct their own activities in the way they see fit .
3 It was put forward in the reports of medical officers such as Newman and his colleague Arthur Newsholme and in growing public debate over national health in Parliament and the press .
4 Any criticism of the popular revisionism therefore strikes a sensitive nerve , ensuring that real debate over domestic nationalism does n't enter political discourse .
5 In the context of the conventional debate over academic freedom , a standard move in response to this point is to claim that academic freedom is a concept applicable to individual persons , and that academic autonomy is a concept applicable to institutions .
6 Continued debate over economic reform
7 Continued debate over constitutional reform
8 In the long debate over urban decline this school has put forward various factors : that population decentralization has left behind , in the inner cities especially , a disproportionate number of the unskilled and the ‘ hard-to-employ ’ ; that physical dereliction and social problems make cities unattractive to new investment ; and that local councils and planning authorities have been obstructive and unhelpful to the private sector .
9 Social hygiene took off in the years immediately before the First War as part of the growing debate over national health and efficiency .
10 Science now occupied a central place in the ensuing debate over national efficiency .
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