Example sentences of "[adj] feeling that she had " in BNC.

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1 So why did she have this totally irrational feeling that she had surprised him ?
2 She shook her head , strangely uneasy , then the vague feeling that she had let something important slip through her fingers faded away when fitzAlan turned back to her .
3 Louisa was left feeling that she had been appointed audience to a play of the wife 's devising , one in which the heroine 's suffering was the principal theme and which might , indeed , have been moving had not the sense of theatre been so pronounced , and had the script been less expressive of a plaintive heart than of its tribulations .
4 Oh , lord , she inwardly groaned ; if this was Vendelin Gajdusek , then she had a rather unhappy feeling that she had made a terrible start !
5 ‘ What she did n't say and was too embarrassed to talk about was an uncanny feeling that she had only recently become aware of , but now realised had been growing in her ever since she had set foot on Titron .
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