Example sentences of "[adj] visit to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Khan was a Muslim nobleman from the Deccan who paid an extended visit to Delhi from 1737 to 1741 as part of the entourage of Safdarjung 's great rival : Asaf Jah , the first Nizam of Hyderabad .
2 The King 's invitation to visit India had been issued by the Indian President , Ramaswamy Venkataraman , during the latter 's four-day visit to Bhutan on Oct. 18-21 , 1988 , the first visit by an Indian President since 1974 .
3 Masire agreed , during a four-day visit to Namibia in July , to form a joint commission to promote trade and communications , and to create a protocol on defence and security .
4 King Jigme paid a four-day visit to India in late November 1990 .
5 Taro Nakayama , the Foreign Minister , began a four-day visit to Washington on March 20 .
6 During a four-day visit to Moscow on Feb. 7-10 , US Secretary of State James Baker held talks with Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze , and had a meeting with President Gorbachev on Feb. 9 .
7 Defence Secretary Dick Cheney left on Oct. 15 for a trip including London and Paris as well as a four-day visit to Moscow on Oct. 16-19 .
8 In speeches delivered by him during a four-day visit to Catalonia in January , he called for unity and solidarity ; yet , at the same time , he himself kept the in-fighting going by distancing himself from Serrano while cultivating Arrese .
9 Soviet President Gorbachev made a historic four-day visit to Japan on April 16-19 , during which he held several sessions of talks with Kaifu .
10 The latest massacre coincided with the ending of a four-day visit to Burma by Mr Jan K Eliasson , Secretary General of the United Nations , who is seeking a solution to the refugee problem .
11 Relations with the hardline regime in China fared better , with the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party , Jiang Zemin , visiting Pyongyang on March 14-16 , 1990 , and Kim making a reciprocal visit to China on Sept. 11 , shortly before the opening of the Asian Games in Beijing in which a South Korean team participated .
12 It has also been agreed that Italy will pay a reciprocal visit to Dublin in April when they will take part in a Four Nations competition to replace the Home International championships , following England 's decision to pull the plug on the domestic series last season .
13 It has also been agreed that Italy will pay a reciprocal visit to Dublin in April when they will take part in a Four Nations competition to replace the Home International championships , following England 's decision to pull the plug on the domestic series last season .
14 Unabashed , he made a clandestine visit to Moscow in 1923 as a delegate to the Red International of Labour Unions .
15 MAYOR Ray Weaver 's 200-year-old gold chain of office , worth £25,000 , was stolen from his car during a civic visit to France from Weymouth .
16 At the end of a six-day visit to Iran by the Pakistani Minister of State for Defence , Col. ( retd ) Ghulam Sarwar Cheema , a defence co-operation agreement was signed .
17 President Yang Shangkun of China began a six-day visit to Thailand on June 10 .
18 Azcona paid an official visit to Spain on May 7-8 , 1989 .
19 On her first official visit to Derbyshire in fourteen years , Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother , President of the National Trust , received a royal welcome at Calke Abbey in May .
20 June : tour of Middle East by President Hrawi [ see p. 37548 ] ; December : visit to Beirut by President Chadli Bendjedid of Algeria , the first official visit to Lebanon by a foreign head of state for some five years .
21 Right-wing opposition members walked out of the Congress on Oct. 22 during a speech by German Chancellor Helmut Kohl , who paid an official visit to Chile on Oct. 19-22 .
22 The Soviet President , Mikhail Gorbachev , made a three-day official visit to Italy on Nov. 29-Dec. 1 , 1989 .
23 Yeltsin made an official visit to Italy on Dec. 19-20 , signing with the Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti a joint declaration establishing the basis for the two countries ' relationship .
24 In an attempt to maintain pressure on Soviet leaders Carrington explained his proposal to neutralise Afghanistan to President Ceausescu during an official visit to Romania in mid March 1980 .
25 Premier Yon Hyong Muk and Kim Yong Nam paid an official visit to Romania in November , but after the overthrow of the Ceausescu regime in December [ see pp. 37014-15 ] the Romanian National Salvation Front ( NSF ) was promptly recognized by North Korea .
26 During an official visit to Moscow in April 1981 , the Libyan leader , Gaddafi , spoke of the need to ensure the ‘ independence and neutrality ’ of Afghanistan alongside a halt in all forms of outside interference in its affairs .
27 By September , a few weeks before an official visit to Moscow by the Malaysian Prime Minister , Tun Razak , the Soviet press described the ZOPFAN initiative as ‘ an idea that can not be underestimated ’ .
28 The greatest stir was caused by Britain 's growing friendship with Russia , culminating in an Anglo-Russian Convention in 1907 and an official visit to Britain by the Tsar two years later .
29 BORIS Yeltsin is to make the first official visit to Britain by a Russian president in November .
30 Italian President Francesco Cossiga began an official visit to Russia on March 30 .
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