Example sentences of "[adj] piece [prep] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Within two years he and his supervisor , Harry Mark , had completed a controversial piece of work pioneering a way to measure the spectra of chemical reactions on the surface of an electrode .
2 Perhaps the longest and most controversial piece of business transacted was the disestablishment of the Hong Kong Branch .
3 Computers display information on screens using a specific piece of hardware to process screen data .
4 The woodwork frontage of the old gallery has gone and a solid piece of wood has replaced the balusters .
5 He invariably had some spicy piece of information to impart that would add to Preston 's meagre understanding .
6 IN other words , Clinton 's generous praise of the ‘ special relationship ’ and Major was an easy and sensible piece of politics designed not to alienate an old friend unnecessarily .
7 If there is to be a fairly detailed piece of note writing it very often is a fairly near or an exact copy of something that 's already gone before .
8 ‘ We used an interesting piece of equipment to do the job , ’ says Steve .
9 An interesting piece of software called JustText offers a more realistic alternative .
10 Give them a good shake , in case an interesting piece of paper has been used as a bookmark .
11 For his drawings Rembrandt made use of any old piece of paper lying about which was suitable .
12 ‘ So , I 'm trying to issue a kind of loud , clear piece of information saying that , by and large , most of the journalism in this country is well below the standard that it should be .
13 Chapman , 23 , of Norwood Road , Herne Hill , south London , was fined £80 and ordered to pay £50 costs by magistrates at Streatham , south London , for leaving Ziggy for six days without water and only a tiny piece of cheese to eat .
14 A tiny piece of resentment returned a wisp of courage to Jess .
15 It was later found that Mr McCubbin died , not from the shots , but from a tiny piece of wire carried by the pellets , which fatally punctured his lung .
16 For example , if you worked with a seed head , you could show a sample of the plant from a side view and another viewed from straight on , a stem and some leaves with a tiny piece of root attached to create a very attractive design , but only do this if the plant has been grown in your garden or in that of a friend .
17 There 's a worthless piece of paper saying that there is supposed to be an oyster enterprise , but there 's no evidence that anyone has ever caught a single oyster . "
18 Since in connection with this American libel we did not employ Mr Quintin Hogg , I wrote him a short letter and received a courteous reply : The third occasion when we instituted proceedings was several years later , in 1971 , when Harold Wilson was back in opposition , and related to the activities of the BBC , which produced a thoroughly incompetent piece of television called Yesterday 's Men .
19 Malcolm , an engineer , started training for his microlight pilot 's licence in 1987 , and several hours solo flying , three written exams , and ‘ General Flying Test ’ later he obtained the magical piece of paper allowing him to ‘ commit aviation ’ !
20 It should try to work out what sort of thing you were trying to say , and maybe be able to work out in , in a general way what you mean , but just need one extra piece of information to disambiguate what you 'd said .
21 For example , you could create the design for a simple piece of embroidery using small sprays of pressed flowers , or make an initial design from pressed flowers that could be transferred on to squared paper and used to embroider a handkerchief Both of these ideas would make marvellous presents , and you could perhaps place the finished embroidery in a tissue-lined box that has been decorated with pressed flowers or ribbons .
22 The other real piece of gentrification relates to the development of the Dockwray Square site in the east end of North Shields , a dramatic location looking over Shields harbour .
23 Each individual piece of equipment has a special contribution to make ; for example , a tape recorder can be equally effective in stimulating discussion as a film , but films or video tapes are more effective for the demonstration of practical skills where movement is essential .
24 This seems a useful technique for any situation where a straight piece of wood ends in a curve , since it maintains the visual integrity of the piece and is considerably easier than laminating a number of separate strips ( which I always find slide out of line while being clamped ) .
25 Use a straight piece of wood to remove surplus plaster while it 's still wet .
26 As our first example we shall take a straight piece of wire moving perpendicularly to the direction of a static magnetic field .
27 According to my watch it was already after four o'clock , a rotten piece of information borne out by the angle of the sun .
28 The plan relies on a clever piece of software called LoadLeveler , which was announced alongside the PowerParallel machines .
29 The only thing which was missing was the recognised transport qualification , a Certificate of Professional Competence , so , determined not to let this official piece of paper prevent her from doing the job she undertook a study course and was soon legally qualified to run the fleet .
30 There was no impetus to develop anything more sophisticated than a spoken announcement or a separate piece of paper packed into the box .
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