Example sentences of "[adj] opposition to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is certainly the case in many inner city areas , where there has been philosophical and political opposition to the scheme and where the organisational barriers to becoming a fundholding practice have been considerable .
2 Finding ways of soothing political opposition to the dumping of highly radioactive waste could prove more difficult than solving the scientific problems .
3 Although Winchelsey was a leading figure in political opposition to the crown in 1297 and in 1310–11 , his influence on the two occasions differed , for whereas in 1297 both clergy and laity shared a common grievance over taxation , this was not so in 1310–11 .
4 Public events sometimes confirm these viewpoints , as has appeared in the continuing joint catholic — protestant political opposition to the abolition of the criminalization of homosexuality .
5 Back at home the first positive political opposition to the philosophy of nuclear deterrence , upon which the Sandys Reformation depended , began to crystallize with the formation of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament .
6 The money involved , the ruthlessness , and the organisation , were all far too great to be explained by the political opposition to the President wanting to discredit the Government prior to the coming election .
7 In Complex South Africa ( 1930 ) he emphasized the existence of a ‘ common society ’ , history underpinning his political opposition to the segregation policies of successive South African governments .
8 But overwhelming political opposition to the programme meant that when David Dinkins was elected as the city 's first black mayor the following year , one of his first acts was to close it down .
9 Political opposition to the war was led by the Communist Party ( PCF ) , although other left-wing and ecological groups as well as trade unions played a prominent role .
10 the development of a civil rights movement as an intrinsic but distinct element in the social and political opposition to the regime ;
11 Robertson 's drive over the bar and Klinsmann 's shot , astutely blocked by Walker , ensured that there would have been adolescent opposition to the idea of an early exit while there was so much to appreciate .
12 And these same Labour members have the nerve to criticise Mr Smith for offering weak opposition to the Government !
13 The PSP reconsidered their policy of total opposition to the guerrilla strategy late in July 1958 , when Carlos Rafael Rodriguez was sent up into the Sierra , where he encountered ‘ understanding ’ in Rául 's encampment and ’ suspicion' in Fidel 's ( Thomas : 1977 , pp. 220–1 ) .
14 On the same day Bush reiterated his total opposition to the bill , declaring that it was " not right " and would " not become law as long as I am President " .
15 It is to be hoped that education will counteract these requests which are in total opposition to the idea of sexual equality , and in addition seek to use medical and nursing resources which are required to combat disease .
16 PETER Hunter , Damien Sarsfield and John Smethurst are seeking election to the National Executive Council of the National and Local Government 's Officers ' Association on a platform of total opposition to the union 's present disgraceful policy on abortion .
17 This example illustrates how one branch of government , through a minor change in welfare benefit regulations , has developed a policy in almost total opposition to the policy of community care being pursued by the health and social service agencies .
18 The tribe 's National Council has expressed strong opposition to the activity , and in particular to the cyanide heap-leaching process used at the mine .
19 PW was not informed until 3 July and immediately expressed its strong opposition to the plan when a rescue was so close to being finalised .
20 There had been strong opposition to the scheme from the national park authority , Cumbria County Council , English Nature and the Council for National Parks .
21 Conservative councillor Heather Scott , who organised the meeting with fellow Park West Tory councillor Charles Smith , said people had expressed strong opposition to the scheme .
22 The Electoral Reform Society believes most of those who have gone off the rolls are potential Labour supporters , if only because of their assumed strong opposition to the poll tax .
23 At the same time the trade unions expressed strong opposition to the draft budget for 1991 , which contained plans to cut public spending , ostensibly to offset the effects of the Gulf crisis , to increase defence spending and to cut corporate taxes ; there was to be a small increase in wealth tax .
24 Strong opposition to the amount spent on the military came mainly from Slovenia and Croatia , which were also unwilling to subsidize the poorer southern republics by way of the federal budget .
25 The Committee also noted , but devoted little attention to the report of strong opposition to the closure by Village parents .
26 The workers and peasants increasingly found a common economic opposition to the Tsar .
27 There is real , entrenched opposition to the imposition of any structure that resembles two-tier boards or which suggests that significant sections of board powers should be devolved to part-time directors .
28 The Azanian People 's Organization ( Azapo — inaugurated in 1979 and continuing the aims of the Black Consciousness Movement ) on March 3-4 declared its total opposition to any dialogue with the South African government , undertaking to intensify armed opposition to the apartheid regime , and elected Itumeleng Mosala as its president .
29 Today , Labour opposition to the ERM is led by Bryan Gould , whose Euro-sceptic opinions re-emerged during the contest for the Labour leadership in early 1992 .
30 At a private meeting in Westminster five officers of the 1922 back-bench committee were warned that they faced being voted out of office as punishment for persistent opposition to the Government on the bill to implement the Maastricht treaty .
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