Example sentences of "[adj] source of [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Some form of property taxes are an almost universal source of income for local government , but in many parts of the world they are accompanied by other forms of taxation .
2 " Locke is attempting to establish the proper source of authority for any government .
3 Even more important , the prospect of a single currency would eliminate an ormous source of uncertainty for businesses .
4 What Sinclair is saying is that type descriptions of language knowledge based on intuitive impression and not grounded in actually attested data do not provide an adequate source of reference for language teaching .
5 Uli 's still pushing his musical boundaries and he 's a continual source of inspiration for me . ’
6 This is undoubtedly a burgeoning source of work for the fledgling personal injury practice .
7 Herein lay a grave source of weakness for the attempt of elected politicians to assert their right to take a greater share of power .
8 Old ladies are a reliable source of fun for canvassers .
9 Anderson does not deny that kin probably continued to be the main and the most reliable source of aid for migrants into the expanding towns , as they had been in the rural communities ( mostly in Lancashire and Ireland ) from which the migrants came .
10 The Little Avon must have provided a reasonably reliable source of power for , in an era when mill owners were beginning to install steam engines to supplement or replace water power , during the 1830s New Mills still relied solely on water .
11 Although pupils with little or no sight will , with training , be able to cope with a variety of environmental situations and even obstacles such as odd chairs , waste-paper baskets or sharp-cornered pieces of furniture scattered or left about in unexpected places , these are an unnecessary and possibly harmful source of trouble for those with visual problems .
12 Fruit is so tasty , however , so sweet and juicy , that it is a favourite source of food for a huge variety of mammals , birds and reptiles .
13 If the density increases upwards , then buoyancy forces provide an additional source of energy for the turbulence .
14 A peasant 's garden would have been an important additional source of food for him and his family and , in good years , any surplus could have been sold to augment his income as well .
15 In Sri Lanka the police role of the headman was not a profession , but an additional source of authority for a village notable .
16 In part it is due to the proximity of the duchy of Lancaster lordships of Pontefract and Tickhill , which provided an additional source of reward for a number of royal servants in south Yorkshire .
17 In part it is due to the proximity of the duchy of Lancaster lordships of Pontefract and Tickhill , which provided an additional source of reward for a number of royal servants in south Yorkshire .
18 You needed government for defence to protect you against external enemies and to engage in foreign relations and diplomacy , and you needed government internally to regulate conflicts between states er and to ensure a , a sound economic platform so that you needed er a single authoritative source of currency for example er and a single source of er er tariffs and trade controls .
19 The principal source of support for Mugabe 's proposal was reportedly the ZANU Women 's League , whose leader was Mugabe 's wife Sally Mugabe .
20 The dollar also became a principal source of liquidity for private transactions ( e.g. oil payments ) because of the dollar 's crucial position in the international monetary system , which made it a safe and acceptable medium of exchange .
21 The consent , acceptance or support of " the people " has increasingly become the principal source of legitimacy for governments and regimes , however authoritarian they may be in reality .
22 Machine tools of its size and accuracy were so rare at that time that it could earn £10 a day , and it was Clement 's principal source of income for ten years .
23 The key market here is the interbank market , as described before the principal source of funds for clearing banks , and where additional funds are obtained .
24 The principal source of finance for all of this remained the record company .
25 Archaeology is the principal source of data for informing us about the manner in which these changes took place , and how man adapted-to the revolutionary changes occurring in society .
26 Meat is nutritionally important and chimps are a serious source of predation for their prey .
27 On the one hand , the protection of fundamental rights is an established source of law for the ECJ , so that this decision should perhaps not be taken to exclude the interpretation that the Directive places the decision on opting out in the hands of the workers themselves .
28 Not only are there now departments of journalism and creative writing but the academy is now a central source of employment for many writers ( as witness that modern phenomenon the university novel ) ; its members and ex-members increasingly comprise the major audience for many arts ; and , ‘ English ’ has become a theoretical subject like any other .
29 Mr Whitnall reported teaching staff ‘ dismayed ’ by the service from the trade , with titles hard to identify and evaluate and frequently no obvious source of supply for students if texts were recommended .
30 ‘ B ’ movie fans will know that Wells Fargo 's stagecoaches proved a lucrative source of income for the less scrupulous members of the old West who made their living by robbing them .
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