Example sentences of "[adj] set of [noun pl] with " in BNC.

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1 The difference in focus between these two models of support inevitably generates a different set of criteria with which to evaluate them , since it is the aim of the work that determines the criteria required .
2 In 1914 Bramah began an entirely different set of stories with Max Carrados who , on the dust jacket of the first edition , is described as ‘ a detective of a totally new and unexpected type , for he is blind ; but the alluring peculiarity of his case is that his blindness is more than counterbalanced by an enormously enhanced perception of the other senses ’ .
3 The defence is called " fair comment " — a misnomer , because it in fact defends unfair comment , so long as that comment is honest : " Every latitude must be given to opinion and to prejudice , and then an ordinary set of men with ordinary judgment must say [ not whether they agree with it , but ] whether any fair man would have made such a comment …
4 The special feature of the industry in the United Kingdom is its unique set of interconnections with the retailing network through the existence of the ‘ tied house ’ .
5 The term ‘ social support network ’ also carries the same meaning but is descriptive of a more loosely structured set of connections with fewer family members .
6 Outputs the current set of measurements with appropriate labels .
7 The front panel controls are sensibly restricted to the obvious functions , laid out in two groups of major and minor usage : power switch with red LED at extreme left , then disc drawer , followed by the very clear illuminated display panel over the primary set of buttons with the others grouped at the right .
8 It is intended that this pilot research will develop a standardised set of procedures with which the investigation can be extended over the remaining Ulster counties which subsequently formed Northern Ireland .
9 However , the black hole would be equally likely to give off any other set of particles with the same total energy .
10 This then results in a new set of relationships with the family of the potential partner .
11 UI says it will ensure issues not resolved do n't cause major problems for ISVs — they 'll be addressed by advanced technology programmes and a new set of relationships with the suppliers .
12 How do these codes and values relate to our specific set of concerns with work and employment ?
13 It is a short step from this view to the position that there are several Third ( and First ) Worlds and that each of these Worlds has a specific set of relations with global capitalism , or even that there is no such thing as global capitalism but that there are several capitalisms operating nationally and internationally in different ways with different Third Worlds .
14 The Directive defines cultural goods as those classified as a national treasure under national legislation and also falling within the limits of a defined set of categories with age and value limits , which are the same as for the Regulation ( see p.33 ) .
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