Example sentences of "[adj] reason [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is a very sound reason for this provision .
2 The chief reason for this visit happening at all is that the Soviet Union wants it to ; Soviet Foreign Minister , Edouard Sheverdnaze was in North Korea , putting pressure on his fellow Communists to reform ; the Soviets are fed up with subsidizing them and anyhow , want economic help from the capitalists in South Korea .
3 If you were looking for a physico-chemical reason for this fact rather than the , more usual , historical one you could do worse than suggest a capacity to make helical molecules .
4 She avoided his gaze , glad that he had mistaken the real reason behind that shiver .
5 However , the results did not suggest any paramount reason for this shift .
6 Not all of the sheets had been accompanied by an explanatory memoir however , the principal reason for this omission being lack of time .
7 A principal reason for this interest is the failure of rule-based linguistics to produce a general purpose , intelligent language processor capable of adequately performing a number of rather basic linguistic tasks ( e.g. taking down unrestricted text , non-robotic reading aloud , making a precis of a text ) ( Sharman , 1990 ) .
8 Eliot had known Lawrence 's work for some time , but in 1931–2 he had grown particularly interested in that writer , whose ‘ travels to more primitive lands ’ and use of Mexican divinities in The Plumed Serpent were physical embodiment of Eliot 's anthropological reading and a likely reason for that title , After Strange Gods .
9 The more likely reason for this move is a ‘ tit for tat ’ reaction .
10 The basic reason for such sterility is that the two parents contain different numbers of chromosomes .
11 The basic reason for this change is that the scale of government activity is so vast that , more and more , ministers have to delegate to their civil servants .
12 The basic reason for this trend is that in general very much more money is awarded in the US courts than anywhere else ; also the courts there tend to favour the individual against the big organisation .
13 ‘ There is no intrinsic reason for another reorganisation so soon after the last , and there is certainly no popular demand for it .
14 The prime reason for this inequality is the geographical distribution of economic power .
15 The prime reason for this non-appearance is that , in English at least , many words can sound the same but have meanings dependant on the context that they appear in .
16 My contention is that the prime reason for this situation — in the publicly available data domain — is the failure of librarians and information scientists to get a proper grip on the overall problem and to take effective measures to solve it .
17 A prime reason for this neglect has been the impact of the theories of Piaget mediated in this country through Goldman in the 1960s .
18 One good reason for such priorities is that waste usually poses a smaller threat to health than air or water pollution .
19 Now that you understand why these lace carriage movements occur you should be able to operate the carriage happily , knowing that although it may look unorthodox , there is a good reason for each instruction .
20 There is a good reason for this difficulty .
21 ‘ I hope there 's a good reason for this noise !
22 Shostakovich obviously had good reason for these references , but they are to music so well-known that I worry about finding them in someone else 's piece , even a composer of the supreme integrity of Shostakovich .
23 ‘ A very good reason for those changes , Dr Cameron — the originals are all dead . ’
24 The primary reason for this move was not a desire for increased tax revenue , welcome as this no doubt was , but , rather , an expression of the Government 's opposition to people enjoying a larger income when out of work than they could take home in a wage packet .
25 A suggested reason for this decision is that to grant an action would have subverted the common law negligence action which lay in these circumstances .
26 She found herself gazing at Roman 's secretary-receptionist with an effort at detachment , trying to pin-point the exact logical reason for this rush of unprecedented hatred towards someone she barely knew .
27 A major reason for this unconcern is that various fraudsters who have operated in the field have given ESP a bad name : underfunded scientists have far better things to investigate than a phenomenon which seems , on the basis of the available evidence , to be nothing more than a farrago .
28 A major reason for this contradiction of trends was a change in the structure of British employment away from manufacturing towards service industries in which there are a higher proportion of non-manual occupations .
29 The intuitive reason for this result is as follows .
30 The intuitive reason for this inferiority is that irrational expectations always offer some scope for a government to ‘ fool ’ people systematically .
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