Example sentences of "[adj] control be the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One aspect of this operation over which state schools , at any rate , have minimal control is the pupils who come to them .
2 One object which did escape episcopal control was the relic of the True Cross , secured by the ex-queen Radegund , for her nunnery of the Holy Cross at Poitiers .
3 ‘ We see that trend continuing , ’ commercial manager Peter Hollins says , ‘ tight control is the key to our future . ’
4 Tight control was the key so it was decided that a Management Committee of four men be invited to run the Club during the War .
5 The prime example of political control is the government 's Action for Community Employment scheme .
6 A further important control is the intensity of leaching , the downward movement of water through the weathering zone which leads to the removal of soluble products .
7 A fundamental control is the degree of instability of the reacting system , or in our mechanical analogy ( Fig. 6.4 ) , how far up the slope our ball is located .
8 More plebeian than the Die-hards and entirely independent of Conservative control were the activities of populist organizations who rose to challenge the Coalition government in by-elections at the end of the war .
9 It symbolises the emergent way in which social relations are managed ; the individualisation , classification and invisible control being the characteristic means by which power is established and maintained in contemporary societies .
10 The prime agents of royal control were the men bound by oath to a particular king : the bishops , abbots , counts and vassi dominici .
11 The other element which affected royal control was the practice of appointing deputies .
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