Example sentences of "[adj] over a [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 Height and weight charts are vital in determining the seriousness of the problem and are the best method of assessing whether the food intake is adequate over a certain period of time .
2 On the other hand , if the rug is allowed to remain damp over a protracted period , the colours may run and , more seriously , mildew may form and cause permanent damage to the foundation or pile .
3 Stress becomes harmful only when it exceeds our ability to cope with the situation , or when it continues unrelieved over a prolonged period .
4 My right hon. and learned Friend the Member for Edinburgh , Pentlands ( Mr. Rifkind ) has made it unequivocally clear over a long period of years that he is wholly opposed to unilateral devolution , which is what the Bill proposes .
5 These proposed innovatory Keynesian policies were distinct from the economic policies of the Labour and Conservative parties , for they demanded the use of bank credit , the ending of private land ownership , and the use of public works programmes to swallow up over half a million unemployed over a short period of time .
6 Shire enables a borrower to fix the maximum interest rate payable over an agreed period , and also gives the borrower the benefit of falls in the interest rate below a set level .
7 The funds thus obtained , which would be repayable over a five-year period , represented only about 15 per cent of the estimated cost of making good damage to infrastructure [ see p. 38362 ] ; most reconstruction funding was expected to come from oil revenues .
8 Quite apart from these constraints there are more familiar problems associated with compound growth calculations : the weighting of capital and labour is on the crude basis of their respective shares in gross domestic income ; the technique of weighting from year to year is , as always , a compromise between different types of index ; compound rates of change are constant over a given period and , therefore , may not adequately reflect sharp movements within the period .
9 In particular , purchase allows the possibility ( which borrowing rules out ) of in-house use of materials , which may be quite heavy ( although Brown also comments that in some university libraries 70% of the stock has remained unused over a three-year period ) .
10 If stable over a longer period , the presence or absence of trimer structures at certain positions on a surface could act as bits of digital data .
11 Of this , SDR49,500,000 would be available over the next 12 months under a standby arrangement and SDR81,500,000 would be available over a three-year period under an ESAF arrangement .
12 In general , NAPF will support schemes which result in a maximum of 10% of the ordinary share capital being made available over a 10-year period .
13 Early analysis of these tapes revealed a grouping pattern in the London Road End which remained quite static over a considerable period of time .
14 The second attraction is that the Town and Country Planning Association is a fascinating case study of a pressure group that has been active over a long period .
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