Example sentences of "[adj] excess [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is a clear excess over expectation of cyanogenic forms in the areas of high and very high mollusc density and of acyanogenic forms in the areas of very low mollusc density .
2 They are great gossips , the men as much as the women , whispering behind raised hands , then bursting into sudden excesses of rage with wildly waving hands , flashing eyes , curled lips spitting torrents of invective .
3 Faced with a persistent excess of expenditure over income , they may cut student numbers or they may increase income .
4 There is some danger that founding an ethic in ‘ Be aware ’ may encourage ruinous excesses of truth-telling like the events in Ibsen 's Wild duck .
5 A recent large randomised study in India found no such effect but rather an apparent slight excess of deaths in the supplemented group .
6 The financial year ending 31 July 1956 showed an alarming excess of expenditure over income in the general account of £2,238 .
7 Because phosphate is approximately equimolar to calcium in animal diets and is in molar excess of calcium in human diets , quantification of the intestinal interactions between calcium , phosphate , fatty acids , and bile acids in vivo is relevant for a proper evaluation of the effects of dietary calcium and phosphate .
8 The scheme involves unwanted good quality furniture being offered to families or individuals in need and its continuing success means it is now operating self-sufficiently with a small excess of income over expenditure .
9 As was to be the case with far more important orders to the peasantry from the very highest level at the start of collectivization after NEP , bureaucratic delays and excessive central demands soon resulted in comparable excess of zeal at local levels .
10 There was a significant excess of subjects with acute on chronic gastritis in the miners ' group , and in addition , nearly three times as many miners had intestinal metaplasia in their gastric biopsy specimens .
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