Example sentences of "[adj] degree [prep] [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 Rupture of the diaphragm caused by blunt trauma is an uncommon injury in children ; the condition may present late , so a high degree of awareness is essential for prompt diagnosis
2 But such a high degree of synchrony is extraordinary and has not yet been explained .
3 However , at the junction of the 25kDa/50kDa proteolytic fragments located downstream of the putative Mg-ATPase domain , the amino acid comparison revealed a completely divergent region of 13 amino acids after which the high degree of homology was restored ( 9 ) .
4 ‘ But cereal growers adopting the integrated control approach must appreciate that input costs are increased and a high degree of management is needed if the best results are to be achieved , ’ he adds .
5 Their high degree of competitiveness is a lesson both for British companies that compete with them and for all those who are looking for ways to sharpen their competitive edge .
6 Experience in the use of computer modelling is highly desirable and a high degree of numeracy is essential .
7 The heavy workload and the difficulty of the work itself meant that a high degree of conformity was required of all but the most able students .
8 ‘ A high degree of professionalism is the key to success in today 's complex and competitive world . ’
9 The risk involved in the defendants ' operations was so great that a high degree of care was expected of them .
10 Skanform panels are claimed to be ideal for covering large wall areas in environments where surfaces are constantly cleaned and a high degree of hygiene is necessary .
11 Whilst a high degree of integration is possible within the InteSoft series external integration is rather more limited .
12 Effective educational action in the disadvantaged areas may well depend on a fundamental questioning of the assumption that a high degree of uniformity is required throughout educational systems in order to ensure equality of opportunity for all children .
13 In particular , very high degrees of melting are most probably required to generate flood basalts with MgO contents of 15wt% .
14 Different degrees of planning are associated with speech and writing .
15 No significant differences in the prevalence and severity of the heartburn and regurgitation were observed when different degrees of oesophagitis were compared but dysphagia was more common and severe in patients with complicated Barrett 's oesophagus ( p<0.001 ) .
16 In the first instance , between Leicester and Cirencester , a similar degree of skill is apparent .
17 A similar degree of innovation is required in the UK .
18 One main role of the Party was to ensure that the appropriate degree of acclamation was produced .
19 A minimal degree of integration is therefore a functional prerequisite of society .
20 But the average degree of deficiency was relatively small .
21 Accordingly , the only outward sign of a certain limited degree of prosperity were his immaculate clothes , although he never had a Savile Row tailor make him a suit or went to one of the more fashionable outfitters specializing in foreign-made clothes .
22 This limited degree of representation was in an important sense imposed from above , rather than actively won through struggle from below , in the same way that the 1947 Constitution was imposed by the US occupation .
23 A three year ordinary degree in Agriculture is also available .
24 Numerous reasons possessing varying degrees of persuasiveness are advanced .
25 Controls during the colonial period varied considerably , but in most European colonies , including those in West Africa , measures of varying degrees of harshness were taken against those indigenous , privately owned papers which were considered troublesome .
26 Moreover , there was an upsurge in nationalist agitation : demands for varying degrees of autonomy were made by minorities from the Baltic to the Caucasus .
27 Single and joint degrees in Economics are available .
28 First , that any attempt to implement a Marxist economic programme even on a relatively modest scale in a country which still has a large degree of freedom is doomed to catastrophe .
29 I have no quantitative evidence for this , and the reasons are a matter for speculation , but the difficulties some users have in getting through to us show that a remarkable degree of persistence is sometimes demanded .
30 Thus in a wardship case decided before the implementation of the Children Act , Re G ( No 2 ) ( a Minor ) ( Child abuse : Evidence ) [ 1988 ] 1 FLR 314 , it was held that a more stringent degree of probability was required to satisfy a court that a father , as opposed to any other person , had sexually abused his daughter .
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