Example sentences of "[adj] degree [prep] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 The core tagset common to all TEI bases provides means of encoding with a reasonable degree of sophistication the following list of textual features :
2 Khrushchev 's remodelling of the Armed Forces — his restructuring of individual services , reductions in the size of the Ground Forces , and the enforced retirement of field grade officers — provoked controversy throughout the services and a considerable degree of resentment The more significant fact , however , is the Khrushchev 's Politburo colleagues took issue with the ham-fisted and idiosyncratic character of these measures — and , in addition , faulted Khrushchev for similar methods in agriculture and in the restructuring of the Party — State bureaucracies .
3 It is difficult to localise with anything but a fair degree of accuracy the spatial locus of this activity .
4 In contrast , data from life insurance applicants suggested that for comparable degrees of hypertension the impact on mortality was greater in diabetics , and particularly marked in those aged less than 40 years ( Goodkin , 1975 ) .
5 Pepys pointed out that , while the CRP concentration rises both in active ulcerative colitis and Crohn 's disease , for comparable degrees of severity the increases in CRP are much greater in Crohn 's disease .
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