Example sentences of "[adj] as [pers pn] 'd [verb] " in BNC.

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1 All through the '70s I 'd wanted to be in a rock band and I ended up doing it and it was nothing like as exciting as I 'd imagined it from reading and listening to records .
2 Was she as old as he 'd thought ?
3 It was n't as dark as I 'd expected .
4 ‘ The dragons might be there ; they might be real and they might be every bit as vicious as I 'd imagined , but I 'm a human being ; so was Adolf Hitler and he killed millions of people !
5 So I walked up to her , looked into her eyes , and close to she was as beautiful and warm as she 'd seemed from a distance .
6 Not noticing the church had n't been quite as crass as he 'd feared , because whatever else the bomb had done , it had blown the church apart .
7 Meanwhile the chancellor , John Major says the gloomy news is n't over , because inflation is n't coming down as fast as he 'd predicted .
8 Bertha had looked affronted as she 'd drawn herself to her full height .
9 The white kaftaned guide soon dealt with the boys , and they relaxed in his protection , although his English was n't as good as she 'd hoped .
10 Two years ago , I went on holiday to the States and witnessed scenes in clubs that made me realize women were n't as inhibited as I 'd thought .
11 Carson said that in theory his own place was within the flood basin , but there had never been any trouble as long as he 'd lived there ; places right on the towpath used to get flooded regularly when the tide was high .
12 Yes , as long as you 'd left me
13 She had lingered in her room as long as she 'd dared , knowing in her bones that any failure to appear would bring Travis hotfoot to her door .
14 Even I had come to realise we were n't as compatible as I 'd thought we were .
15 The expression on his face had grown hard and grim as he 'd scanned the paper in his hands , before angrily crunching it up into a ball and hurling it into a nearby waste-paper basket .
16 Once she began , it was not as difficult as she 'd imagined , mainly because it was so plain her father had only a scientific interest in what she was saying .
17 But once I 'd taken the plunge and got myself organised , I found it was n't bad at all , and not nearly as difficult as I 'd imagined . ’
18 It is n't as difficult as I 'd thought , because I have found how to …
19 Echoes of her multiple failure at the university shook her faith in her reasoning , but if she were as thick as they 'd made out there , surely Spiderglass would never have shrunk her ?
20 I 'd been caddying for Ralph Moffatt on the pro circuit and got him through the pre-qualifier at Fairhaven , so I told him I 'd be caddying for him in the Open as I 'd heard nothing from Jack .
21 It was n't as awful as she 'd anticipated , partly because she greatly admired Raimondo 's talent , partly because the audience was so small , just the sheikh , his wives , a handful of retainers , and a couple of the sheikh 's Italian business associates brought along to translate — although one of the businessmen kept giving her glances that made her uncomfortable .
22 ‘ He was n't as odd as you 'd made him out to be , your friend , ’ Gillian said as we left .
23 One thing emphasised by every girl here who had delayed telling her parents about her pregnancy was that looking back , each wished she 'd told them earlier , since the consequences were never as bad as she 'd feared .
24 To her horror it was every bit as bad as she 'd feared , and possibly even a tiny bit worse .
25 When you 're there it 's not as bad as you 'd imagined . ’
26 From forcing her , by an act of love , to follow him through the world , not barefoot as she 'd accused him but in no great luxury , instead of " obliging " the man who had given her her chance .
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