Example sentences of "[adj] that [pers pn] was impossible " in BNC.

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1 When UNTCOK began to assess the situation in January 1948 it was clear that it was impossible to fulfil the conditions of the UN resolution .
2 But Britain , like the other European powers , found US tariffs so high that it was impossible to repay in goods .
3 The doctors were so evasive that it was impossible to get anything definite from them .
4 Foreman 's opponent in 1974 , Muhammad Ali , is the other important articulator of protest , and his dominance over other heavyweights for a period of fourteen years was so complete that he was impossible to suppress , even though his enforced incapacitation for four years did seem to dull his sharpness in criticizing white racism .
5 I lived in a room off the kitchen , so thin-walled that it was impossible not to hear what was happening in the dining room unless Wu had a gadget going .
6 At two-twenty Minto 's party appeared , saying that the reason for their delay was that Liddiat , the handyman employed by Minto at The Kilns , had pumped up the tyres of the car so hard that it was impossible to drive at more than fifteen miles per hour .
7 We do not need to be told that the factory girls were probably doing their best to make sure that it was impossible for her to pass without brushing against them , and that this would be construed as an insult .
8 Like its owner , it was short and stubby , not long like the young man 's , but thick , so thick that it was impossible for most women to put their hand round it .
9 Once inside the shop , however , acrimony faded ; they were so alike that it was impossible for them to work together and be at odds .
10 She said goodnight over her shoulder and tried to shut the door , but he was so near that it was impossible .
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