Example sentences of "[adj] to be certain [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is impossible to be certain that the child is making explicit his indecision about which square is being targeted ( though the eye movement record suggested that this was the case ) .
2 In the absence of an obvious bleeding point , it is impossible to be certain that bleeding originates from the angiodysplasia until the rest of the gastrointestinal tract has been examined .
3 The identification of fire arms is not difficult in crash wreckage but it is less easy to be certain that an explosion on board an aircraft in flight resulted from a bomb or perhaps a disintegrating turbine disc or an explosive decompression of the cabin .
4 It was hard to be certain but she was pretty sure he had n't , and she imagined she must have assumed he was on duty at the hospital .
5 First , such a change does not take place overnight among all artists ; and secondly it is very hard to be certain that a given statue from the Acropolis was actually set up before the invasion .
6 Even if scientists could demonstrate such a correlation , it would still be difficult to be certain whether the effect were the result of social or genetic transmission .
7 In assessing the effect of an anti-pain therapy , it is obviously important but difficult to be certain that the treatment has not simply prevented the animal from displaying the sign .
8 From the demonstration alone , it is difficult to be certain that the motion is chaotic , in the specific sense that the word is now used , and not just very complicated .
9 Never use detergent for cleaning , as it is difficult to be certain when all traces have been removed .
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