Example sentences of "[adj] to the need and " in BNC.

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1 must be responsive to the needs and problems of the community it serves .
2 ‘ BR is a relatively efficient railway , ’ public transport minister Roger Freeman told ACCOUNTANCY , ‘ but where the private sector can provide a service , it will be more responsive to the needs and demands of customers .
3 The CSUTCB 's intention was to establish an independent multinational and socialist state , with its own flag and army , and responsive to the needs and aspirations of the indigenous Indian population .
4 The team should include : — a Schools/Industry Co-ordinator to promote and arrange industry-based curriculum development , in-service training including teacher secondment to industry and other liaison activities ; — a Work Experience Co-ordinator to manage the Work Experience programme in the participating schools in conjunction with the DTI Adviser for Education and Enterprise as appropriate ; — a Caters Officer , to collate employers ' job offers , and to ensure that these are appropriate to the needs and aspirations of Compact " graduates " ; — an Adviser for Evaluation and Monitoring Procedures to ensure that students ' achievements are recognised through , for example , records of achievement , and to provide the Compact with instruments for evaluating its progress and development ; — managers of special programmes such as mock interviews , employers ' recruitment sessions , and communication procedures .
5 Professor Buckley and his team will be examining ways of predicting which of the three strategies will be most appropriate to the needs and circumstances of any particular company .
6 Salaman identifies two basic features of work : the purchase of labour power from which surplus value is appropriated , which requires management ; and the conflict which this generates , which needs to be controlled : ‘ under capitalism , management takes on functions specific to the needs and problems of controlling and directing the labour power of potentially recalcitrant employees to achieve profit ’ ( Salaman 1980b , p. 11 ) .
7 It will certainly do nothing to resolve the philosophical doubts of those who regard art and design as essentially different or yet others working in the art and design faculties of polytechnics who fear that the technological and scientific ambiance of the institution is inimical to the needs and style of high-level art education .
8 To experience something , ourselves , is to make us more sensitive to the needs and wants of others .
9 We hope that this book will help those contributing to a Compact to understand the issues at stake , be alert to potential pitfalls , be sensitive to the needs and concerns of constituent members , and , in the end , develop a creative structure through which Partnership between Education and Industry can provide a positive future for young people .
10 I was subsequently Chief Constable of the combined Sheffield and Rotherham Police Force which whilst a joint committee , still regarded so very much as serving the two separate authorities and finally I was Chief in a Metropolitan country , with a county council and a police committee and I 'm quite sure that the police were much more sensitive to the needs and the wishes of their local communities when you were sitting at one of those , not necessarily police committee meetings , but the county council meetings , when they discussed the minutes of the police authority .
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