Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] needs [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Every single person is an individual and needs to be respected as one .
2 Simply , that the issues that affect our lives are entirely underpinned by a belief in women 's dubious nature ; their animality , their polluting tendencies , a sense that something might just erupt from the female that is dangerous and needs to be controlled .
3 Even companies like M&S have to do it from time : warn customers that something they 've bought could be dangerous and needs to be returned , either for repairing or a cash refund .
4 The Safrane is good but needs to be better .
5 It is dependent not so much on the generous staffing levels of PNP Phase 1 ( though that obviously helped a great deal ) as on a combination of a degree of staffing flexibility and a basic preparedness to accept that this kind of role is important and needs to be built into a school 's staffing arrangements under whatever label is deemed appropriate .
6 Severe cases of athlete 's foot , involving the toenails and other areas of the foot ( fissured heels is a symptom ) is usually indicative of a poor state of health in general and needs to be treated holistically .
7 Scientists have been trying for years to realize the potential of hydrogen , but they have been thwarted by the problem of storing the gas , which is highly explosive and needs to be kept in high-pressure containers .
8 Families of affected individuals also frequently require support ; parental guilt is common and needs to be addressed .
9 For the moment , however , it is sufficient to note that the formation of interest groups is a problem of the highest order ; the group world can not be taken as a given but needs to be explained ; and we have to attend to the determinants of individual consciousness and awareness , and the part they play in the development of groups and political conflict .
10 This is addictive disease the same as any other and needs to be treated as such .
11 THE ANALYSIS — the precise way in which you dissect an historical topic will largely determine which information is relevant and needs to be noted .
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