Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] around her " in BNC.

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1 Meredith felt breathlessness claim her as his possessive arms wrapped around her once more .
2 His strong arms tightened around her .
3 Strong arms reached around her from behind .
4 Strong arms closed around her .
5 She felt the flimsy cotton of Adam 's shirt against her as muscular arms wrapped around her .
6 In the dark , she imagined red-eyed rats scurrying around her , lashing her with their tails .
7 As the old woman pushed the hand-cart across the yard a number of children scampered from various heaps to gather around her , gabbling .
8 The young women of the hareem , her foster sisters , cousins and young aunts scurried around her much as they do in any society , running errands , advising , gossiping .
9 Lee was laughing and peeling bananas and feeling cross and wondering about a dream wherein a frowning angel laid gentle hands on her while young people with long black hair and bizarre head-dresses danced around her .
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