Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] as early as " in BNC.

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1 And finally , those children with reading difficulties need to be provided with remedial programmes as early as possible , and concerted efforts need to be made to minimise the sense of stigma they might experience because of their intellectual or physical disadvantage .
2 Dippers begin to sing and to stake out their linear territories as early as November ; to display and pair in January ; and to lay the first of two — or three — clutches of eggs before the end of March .
3 There may have been a formal recognition of Christianity by the leaders of some Serbian tribes as early as the seventh century , but the real beginnings of Christianity in this area date from the last decades of the ninth century and are associated with the ‘ Apostles of the Slavs ’ , the brothers Constantine-Cyril ( Kiril ) and Methodius ( Metodije ) .
4 THE United States , moving a step closer to a transatlantic trade war , plans to announce punitive taxes on European imports as early as today .
5 THE United States , moving a step closer to a transatlantic trade war , plans to announce punitive taxes on European imports as early as today .
6 After his death his wife Mary wrote that the idea of symbolising logic had occurred to him at the age of 17 ( Leibniz had had similar but less developed ideas as early as 1666 ) , but several subsequent writers ( see [ 96 , p. 235 ] ) have indicated that Boole 's work on the calculus of operations in the early 1840s must have at least influenced his approach if not actually initiated it .
7 In summary , the future pattern will probably include the following ingredients : 1 recognition that oral reading and silent reading should proceed simultaneously , from entry into school ; 2 longer periods given to individual reading interviews , which will necessitate re-organisation of the curriculum , with a greater emphasis on group work based on collaborative learning ; 3 the group work will have clear outcomes , many of which will start with silent reading and result in reading aloud for communication ; 4 the teaching of phonics will be seen as one possible cueing system only , resulting in the use of more intrinsically interesting texts which will enable contextual hypotheses ; 5 the realisation that books as such may be diminishing , will demand that other forms of print are incorporated into reading aloud in school , for example , from computers and teletext ; 6 the teacher 's professionalism will be accepted as lying in the understanding of the reading process and the development of the child , and in his or her power to train the child to read independently for real purposes as early as possible .
8 A United States Senate subcommittee investigating the BCCI scandal , chaired by John F. Kerry , heard testimony on Aug. 1 that several US government agencies knew of illegal activities as early as 1986 .
9 Nobody can say for sure when the earliest purpose-made sparkling wine was produced , but documentary evidence exists to prove that the monks of the abbey of St Hilaire in southern France had intentionally produced sparkling wines as early as 1531 , well over one hundred years before anyone attempted to do so in Champagne .
10 It was the identification of these problems by Czechoslovak economists as early as 1962 which launched the country onto its reformist course years before Alexander Dubček appeared on the scene .
11 LASMO employees around the world could be linked up by the latest in high-tech communications as early as next year .
12 This critique was expressed to British and American leaders as early as July 1958 .
13 The exchange , the CFTC said , had failed to notify the agency of serious deficiencies in Stotler 's financial records as early as 1987 , failed to enforce its own capital requirements , and failed to tell the CFTC that Stotler was undercapitalised by as much as $1.1m between October 1989 and April 1990 .
14 Get actual local conditions as early as possible so as to have time to make any amendments to your plan .
15 He had experimented with flying machines as early as 1893 .
16 Its crust was already thick and rigid enough to hold open huge basins as early as 4.2 x 109 years ago ; and the great floods of mare basalt that filled the basins apparently ceased to erupt about 3.1 x 109 years ago .
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