Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] had be put " in BNC.

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1 Fore-edge paintings had been put on books for centuries , but William Edwards was the first binder to paint landscape scenes on fore-edges which were hidden by gilt and could only be viewed by fanning the leaves of the book .
2 A large venture capital organisation , who refused to comment on individual headhunter performance , wrote that on the whole good candidates had been put forward , but that they would not know if there had been any leaks or illegal use of information by search firms .
3 Mussolini 's visit passed off without incident , mainly because many people suspected of anti-Fascist sentiments had been put under arrest and because there were large numbers of security men mingling with the crowds .
4 If half the funds and the intellectual effort which has gone towards developing strategies for finding alternative families had been put into what we can only lamely call preventative work there would be unquestionable advantage to all concerned .
5 By the beginning of December , the finishing touches had been put to the apartment .
6 Various proposals had been put forward by different groups , often across party lines .
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