Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] that enable them " in BNC.

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1 Witnesses describe gremlins as looking like rabbits or bulldogs , sometimes wearing spats , top hat and breeches , and with long , webbed feet that enable them to move quietly .
2 Rincewind looked around nervously for a tall figure in black ( wizards , even failed wizards , have in addition to rods and cones in their eyeballs the tiny octagons that enable them to see into the far octarine , the basic colour of which all other colours are merely pale shadows impinging on normal four-dimensional space .
3 Alongside the development of poor law hospitals many voluntary hospitals , assisted by charitable funds that enabled them to provide cheap or free services to the poor , were founded or grew in strength from their earlier origins .
4 But it was the latter who paved the way for the evolution of vestigial limbs that enabled them to crawl onto the land .
5 ( 1987 ) in their efforts to provide training that would maximize the effectiveness of indigenous paraprofessional social service workers was that such training should specifically seek to strengthen those very attributes that enable them to maintain contact with and work effectively in their own communities ( p. 15 ) .
6 To take a fairly dramatic example , honey-bees are capable of extremely sophisticated mathematical computations that enable them to navigate from their hives to sources of nectar , using the sun 's position as a guide and compensating for its movement during the course of the day .
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