Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] involved [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 2 the attitudes and experience of the British technical experts involved in this project ,
2 The high costs involved in this form of education are sometimes given as a reason for not allowing end-users this form of training .
3 The primitive valuables involved in such exchanges were neither money nor cash , but items that were often spent in political and social spheres of activity to form alliances in peacetime and during war , as well as compensation for death and bridewealth .
4 But this may simply reflect the tremendous difficulties involved in such trials .
5 I wish to be relatively uncontroversial about these definitions , although I realise the great philosophical problems involved in any description of I for instance.3 The indexical meaning is that which exists when we have ascribed referents to those discourse elements suggested by the symbolic meaning of a term .
6 FIG. 1 Schematic layout illustrating the cognitive components involved in each task ( dark squares ) .
7 Clearly there are numerous technical and conceptual problems involved in such studies , and the general applicability of the findings of such studies ‘ will depend on how far these numerous factors have been incorporated in the original economic theory and how representative are the data used ’ .
8 Discussions on the 2,500 inter-linked contracts involved in this , the main claim still before the Tribunal , began on May 21 .
9 The phonetic changes involved in such a sequence are all well-established , and can be identified in , say , Gimson 's account of assimilations and elisions in his Introduction to the Pronunciation of English — have becoming [ ] , and so on .
10 One can think of a number of cases which are coming before the courts where there 's been a lot of publicity and I 'm sure that the legal teams involved in those cases will be studying this judgement er and will be considering whether or not those principles ca n't be applied to their cases .
11 There are two key concepts involved in such an analysis .
12 This strengthens the claim that there are real universal biochemical principles involved in such mechanisms of neural plasticity .
13 The biological assumptions involved in such statements are based on a series of half-truths about the ageing process , extended so that they appear to support explanations about the nature of life and health in old age that are not justified by the facts .
14 Its advice was sought by all the parliamentary select committees involved in any way with the environment and it had a place on several of the government 's consultative bodies .
15 We learn to become members of a particular society and the most important forces involved in this process are social , not biological or instinctual .
16 To the relatively small numbers involved in many cultural organizations and associations we must add the characteristic of relatively short , often extremely short , duration .
17 However , the potential political pitfalls involved in any attempt to confront the contradictions of a socialist and a Catholic Nicaragua were clearly demonstrated by the events of the pope 's 1982 visit .
18 What are the precise mechanisms involved in this process ?
19 Similarly , the young lady/old woman figure can not appear to me to be a picture of a young lady unless I possess the concept of age , and all the other concepts involved in that of age .
20 Now there are other issues involved in this elections .
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