Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] that go to make " in BNC.

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1 The nation-state , therefore , is the spatial reference point for most of the crucial transnational practices that go to make up the structures of the global system , in the sense that most transnational practices intersect in particular countries and come under the jurisdiction of particular nation-states .
2 The Book of Earth , the cornucopia of all the tiny books that go to make up The Book of Languages and even more disconcertingly , The Book of Mirrors , are all locked up in a glass case .
3 Which system we would have to decide , who draws up the list er would the list be a U K one , a regional one or would it be one in the separate countries that go to make up the U K. A huge amount of discussion there , not a chance missed at all , er he wanted a separate seat for for Cornwall .
4 Nevertheless , it is possible to describe some of the typical components that go to make up a paradigm .
5 The novel proves that knowledge is possible , but also that it is in a sense artificial : it does not come from the past , historical knowledge in particular can not simply be uncovered , laid bare and put out to view ( or rather , the novelist can no longer create the illusion that the past is speaking for itself ) ; it is a construction of the past , and the reader is conscious of , and in compliance with , the careful disposition and organization of the disparate elements that go to make up the whole edifice .
6 The assumption remains that most women will continue to be satisfied with conventional provision and that the others , the ‘ more liberated ’ perhaps , can choose women 's studies options which now exist amidst the many other courses that go to make up a centre programme .
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