Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] around " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , for a number of writers the essential point is not so much that these ideas on unemployment and social welfare were new , as that a broad political consensus developed around them which achieved its apotheosis in the triumph of Keynesianism in 1947 [ Booth , 1983 ; 1984 ] .
2 I know that the right hon. Gentleman gets around the country , but does he realise that it is almost impossible to maintain services in many of our local authorities ?
3 A low whispering sound echoed around the room .
4 Then he climbed on to the winner 's rostrum and became the proudest man in the world as the British National Anthem echoed around the massive Montjuic Stadium .
5 Crystal wall-lights add sparkle to tiny mirrored bows fixed to the panes with diamanté studs , and heavy midnight-blue French silk drapes around the windowless room provide the final touch of luxury .
6 As the sun dissolved in the west , a surreal pink haze rolled around the hollows of the plateau and obscured the foothills and forests to the north , lapping silently into the corries .
7 As Anne Rampling she writes modern romantic novels and as A N Rouquelaure she writes highly avant-garde sado-masochistic pornography based around the sleeping beauty legend .
8 Distinct , medium coarse granular cytoplasmic staining concentrated around the nuclear lobes , with filamentous granular staining , forming a network in and around the neutrophil cytoplasm ( type 1 pattern ) ( Fig 1 ) .
9 A tight little smile played around Jennifer 's mouth .
10 He was in a gutter , cold clean water running around him , washing the grime and sleep from his face .
11 Her deep booming laugh reverberated around the bedroom .
12 And later on , as she watched her skinny little husband skulking around the bedroom in his purple-striped pyjamas with a pork-pie hat on his head , she thought how stupid he looked .
13 Elinor sat on the floor , allowing her long black hair to fall around her and started saying ‘ Yes … yes … yes , I know … ’ and ‘ Of course … ’ a lot .
14 Sometimes in country districts a pool will take on a purplish tinge , a curious slimy jelly appears around the perimeter , and the fish and plants start to die .
15 The famous Irish roar echoed around the Cotswold Hills as Montelado shot clear two out in the Trafalgar House Supreme Novices ' Hurdle , winning by 12 lengths from the Pipe-trained Lemon 's Mill .
16 Ms Alberstein 's song is a powerful modern version of an ancient Aramaic ballad sung around the Passover ‘ Seder ’ table by Jews celebrating the Exodus from Egypt .
17 But , save for a risible romantic subplot revolving around Wayne 's relationship with a lite-metal Cantonese warblette , the hit-gag ratio is right up there .
18 You did n't have to be an angry young man to look around the car industry over the past few weeks and despair of ever hearing any good news .
19 Each time Irish Linen is laundered , a subtle molecular change occurs around each fibre , resulting in the fabric 's renewal of its smooth , lustrous surface .
20 At £95 , the two hour long chance to tread surely the most glamorous footplate in preservation is the same price as the standard half-day long course based around the controls of Great Western Castle Class ‘ Defiant ’ .
21 He was out of the room before she could open the box , a dark blue leather affair , lined with white velvet , against which lay a fine gold chain with a small oval locket set around the edge with seed pearls .
22 The self-renewing Malphighian layer snaking around the dermis , dense as earth .
23 The MD110 is also available as an open standard interface based around the European Computer Manufacturers Association standard for Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications , CSTA .
24 One scuffed heavy shoe is braced against the floor , the other dangles in space , with the turn-up riding high above it to reveal a thick grey sock crumpled around the ankle .
25 Not so long ago it seemed as if the world was to divide into three main trading blocks : the EC based around the West German economy ; a Northern American block based around the US-Canadian free trade area , and a Pacific unit incorporating the Asian tigers with Japan and the yen at the centre .
26 Ante Markovic , the President of the Federal Executive Council ( federal Prime Minister ) and one of Yugoslavia 's most popular politicians , announced on May 25 that he was planning to set up a new political party based around his government team and with a programme of Western-style economic and political reforms , to contest multiparty elections to the Federal Assembly expected before the end of 1990 .
27 His whole social life revolved around the YCs .
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